Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crayon Art!

So I decided to take a break from reality tonight and try another craft I saw on Pinterest.

Pinterest Idea

It involved crayons, canvas, a glue gun and a hair dryer.  One glue gun burn and much trial and error later here's what I came up with:

It was fun and, the burn aside, successful for a first attempt.  I'll probably do another now that I figured out the best way to do it.  Hint put the hair dryer behind the canvas.

Good escape from reality.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ranting and Raving

Alright it has been a while since I've been able to post because my life is so filled with shit right now that I can't even think straight.  So before I can catch you up on some of the things I want to share like my camping trip, I need to get this rant over with.  Then other more sane posts will come.

I hate my job.  I didn't used to hate it; in fact I loved it.  Working with dogs has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life and actually got me through some hard times.  I've always been a firm believer in do what you love, not what makes you money.  Well now I am not only not making money but I hate it.

The dogs haven't changed; I still love the dogs.  It's the people I work with.  I don't know what it is but they can not behave themselves or get along with each other.  It is so bad that I don't even want to come into work anymore.  It is like I am a glorified babysitter of mean and spiteful little children instead of the manager of a business.  What the hell is wrong with these people?  Why can't they just leave each other alone, come in and do their work, then go home?  The drama does not have to exist.  Didn't we all get enough of it in high school?  I don't know about you but I don't want to live my adult life worrying about these petty people.  So someone is shallow enough to gossip about you.  Who the hell cares?  They are just showing just how insecure they are by talking about it.  Plus, when they have no actual power over you it shouldn't matter in the slightest if they like you or not, if they want to talk about you behind your back or not.  Let it the hell go.  If people would just stop listening to the drama then the people spreading it wouldn't have a reason to do it.  But no one is capable of taking the high road.  Everyone has to get involved and spread it around.  Leave it well enough alone people!

I mean hell, I know it's a hard job back there.  I know burn out and turn over are common.  But the people that need to turn over and get out of here because they're burned out won't leave.  Then their bad behavior and negative attitude poison everyone else.  So it is this vicious cycle.  If I do hire someone great who wants to do a good job and not get involved in drama, they quit because they don't want to put up with everyone else.

I am so sick of it that for the first time today I yelled at employees.  I came into two employees fighting all day and I pulled everyone into the office and yelled at them.  I don't want to do that; it doesn't make me feel good.  It doesn't make me want to come here and try harder for them.  It doesn't make me want to succeed at my job at all.  It doesn't make anyone want to do anything positive.  But I am literally out of options.  I've tried being nice and leading by example.  I've tried having individual meetings with employees so they can voice their problems.  I've tried having group meetings with feuding employees.  I've tried being stern with them.  I've tried rewarding good behavior.  NOTHING works.  So fine, if they want a negative work environment we can all play that game until they get their heads out of the ground and decide to be adults.

Ug.  I just don't know what else to do.  You can't make people grow up and you can't fire them if they don't.

I have more complaints about work but right now I'm too frustrated to go into them.  So I'm stopping while I'm ahead.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Here's something you should know about me, I am careful with my sleep schedule.  At least I try to be.  I used to be really good at it: going to bed at 9:30, sleeping well, and waking up feeling rested.  I didn't have caffeine past 5pm (you're all shocked I know because I worship coffee) and I changed my alarm so that it would wake me up slowly instead of jolting me out of sleep.  For a couple of years, it was great.

Now before that, when I still lived in Boulder and was dealing with a lot of stress and other things, I pretty much was an insomniac.  I would be exhausted all the time but be unable to sleep.  My body wanted to soooo badly but my mind would wake up and be going a hundred miles a minute as soon as I tried to go to bed.  Mostly, I would lay awake in bed while the whole house was quiet.  I would have gotten a lot of constructive thinking done if my brain was actually functioning rather than just churning uselessly.  That might be why I have a lot of movies; I would spend all those hours at night watching movies.  Then morning would come and I'd get up and immediately my brain and body would turn to sludge.

Have you guys ever seen Fight Club?  Insomnia is described perfectly in that movie.
"With insomnia nothing is real.  Everything is far away.  Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy.  When you have insomnia you are never really asleep and you are never really awake."

That's it exactly and it was horrible.

At night my mind wouldn't shut up.  During the day, I had to struggle to function at all.  The only time I could sleep was a nap in the afternoon.  I would sleep so deeply and so wonderfully but... I could barely ever manage it between school and work.  And that, right there, is why I had to take a medical leave and re-think things.  I had to refocus myself and get things back on track.  The only thing I enjoyed ever was going to work at the vet clinic/boarding facility and interacting with the dogs.  That was when I decided I wanted to do that with my life.  That and during that time I think Vallie was really the only thing that kept me going through the insomnia and depression.  (Yeah, for those of you who don't know, I have depression.  It hasn't flared up in years and I think that's because I keep a real close eye on my sleep schedule and it helps me function.)  Anyway, I finally managed to overcome my insomnia because I went and backpacked Europe.  I think it was the perfect storm because it shocked my system just enough that it jolted me out of my bad sleep habits physically and it also changed me mentally.  That was the happiest I have ever been in my life.  And I never ever want to go back to being that way.  I am not myself that way.  I was zombie me, and not the fun flesh eating kind.

So the fact that I haven't really slept well in 2 weeks scares me.  I managed to sleep alright last weekend some but then that went right out the window this week.  I have to sleep!  I'm so exhausted and I hate that.

Tonight I am going to sleep if I have to kill everyone on the face of the Earth to do it.  Well no... but I certainly am kicking Whitman, Gerani and Theo out of my room tonight.  So help me if Whitman had woken me up one more time last night I was going to beat the tar out of him... that is I would have but it was doubtful that I could have summoned the energy.  Also, I'm going camping this weekend so either that will be enough of a diversion from my normal schedule that I'll be able to get things back on track when I get back into town or I'll have relaxed and refocused enough that I'll be able to do it.

If that fails, then I'm headed for the doctor.  Before I had these really gentle sleep aids that helped me turn my brain off just enough that I managed to sleep here and there when I took them.  Course I didn't take them a lot because I was scared of getting hooked on them.  But they're a good tool to at least make me fall asleep at a decent time.

Needless to say, I'm dragging today.  I can't wait to get off work and go back home for a nap.

Nap.....  Happy warm thoughts.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Craft for my mom

So today is my mom's birthday!  Happy birthday Mom!

In the spirit of wanting to be crafty I decided to make something for her.  My idea came from Pinterest: 

I thought that was a really cute idea.  So I ordered spare Scrabble tiles online and did my own family crossword.  I think it turned out pretty well even if Theo was doing his best to crinkle the paper every time I turned around.  Here's mine:

Another craft success!  Next up, melted crayon art.  I hope my mom likes it!

Oh and by the way, I'm having the devil of a time typing this because my finger got caught in the leash of a crazy dog at work.  I twisted it pretty good.  Might have even broken it.  *sigh*