Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ranting and Raving

Alright it has been a while since I've been able to post because my life is so filled with shit right now that I can't even think straight.  So before I can catch you up on some of the things I want to share like my camping trip, I need to get this rant over with.  Then other more sane posts will come.

I hate my job.  I didn't used to hate it; in fact I loved it.  Working with dogs has been one of the greatest pleasures of my life and actually got me through some hard times.  I've always been a firm believer in do what you love, not what makes you money.  Well now I am not only not making money but I hate it.

The dogs haven't changed; I still love the dogs.  It's the people I work with.  I don't know what it is but they can not behave themselves or get along with each other.  It is so bad that I don't even want to come into work anymore.  It is like I am a glorified babysitter of mean and spiteful little children instead of the manager of a business.  What the hell is wrong with these people?  Why can't they just leave each other alone, come in and do their work, then go home?  The drama does not have to exist.  Didn't we all get enough of it in high school?  I don't know about you but I don't want to live my adult life worrying about these petty people.  So someone is shallow enough to gossip about you.  Who the hell cares?  They are just showing just how insecure they are by talking about it.  Plus, when they have no actual power over you it shouldn't matter in the slightest if they like you or not, if they want to talk about you behind your back or not.  Let it the hell go.  If people would just stop listening to the drama then the people spreading it wouldn't have a reason to do it.  But no one is capable of taking the high road.  Everyone has to get involved and spread it around.  Leave it well enough alone people!

I mean hell, I know it's a hard job back there.  I know burn out and turn over are common.  But the people that need to turn over and get out of here because they're burned out won't leave.  Then their bad behavior and negative attitude poison everyone else.  So it is this vicious cycle.  If I do hire someone great who wants to do a good job and not get involved in drama, they quit because they don't want to put up with everyone else.

I am so sick of it that for the first time today I yelled at employees.  I came into two employees fighting all day and I pulled everyone into the office and yelled at them.  I don't want to do that; it doesn't make me feel good.  It doesn't make me want to come here and try harder for them.  It doesn't make me want to succeed at my job at all.  It doesn't make anyone want to do anything positive.  But I am literally out of options.  I've tried being nice and leading by example.  I've tried having individual meetings with employees so they can voice their problems.  I've tried having group meetings with feuding employees.  I've tried being stern with them.  I've tried rewarding good behavior.  NOTHING works.  So fine, if they want a negative work environment we can all play that game until they get their heads out of the ground and decide to be adults.

Ug.  I just don't know what else to do.  You can't make people grow up and you can't fire them if they don't.

I have more complaints about work but right now I'm too frustrated to go into them.  So I'm stopping while I'm ahead.

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