Monday, April 30, 2012

Coffee Thoughts

If you didn't guess, I'm a coffee lover.  I love having that first cup of coffee in the morning where you can leisurely sip it and the ratio of coffee and cream is just perfect.  Mmm mmm.  Crazily enough I used to hate coffee until I went to Europe.  Coffee is a staple in many European countries like France and Italy.  Also, Italian espresso is a kick in the pants compared to American coffee.  Since I was a recovering insomniac when I was in Europe, I gravitated toward the caffeine.  That was the best caffeine available and I got hooked on coffee.  Thank you, you crazy Italians.

But can you blame me?  Coffee, especially when done right, is one of life's many joys.  Especially when your ass is dragging and you need that umph to get your brain functioning.  My brain requires at least one cup of umph to become human.  Normally, it's more like two to four.  Yes yes, judge me you non caffeine addicted people.  You're just missing out.

Although I can drink coffee in almost any form, I do prefer it with a touch of cream or Coffee Mate.  I love Coffee Mate.  I do have a complaint though.  Why do they take away the Christmasy flavors?  What rule is there that I can't enjoy some peppermint coffee all year round?  I don't think the big man in the red suit would be offended if I did.  So why do I only get the pepperminty goodness in the winter?  My summer coffee is lacking in comparison.  Upon further reflection, this might be another reason I dislike summer so.  Now is that fair I ask you?  So called "holiday flavors" should be good all year round!  Thus concludes my rant.

This morning I've had two lovely cups of french vanilla coffee.  I'm feeling as though I can face the day now.  At least enough to get dressed and go to work with  minimal complaint and sorrow.


Sunday, April 29, 2012


You know, Facebook really is just a giant machine of stalking.  Yes, if you are on my friend's list chances are I've picked through your Facebook page, most especially your pictures, at some point or another.  Facebook is a friend to the Nosy and Bored.  I admit, sometimes I fall into the categories.  How much time I spend on there is for me to know and you never to know because I'm the one stalking you.
Oh yes, you... 8-0

So I came home from a very early work day (on a Sunday no less, where is the justice I ask you?) I got all settled into bed for a nap.  But the nap didn't happen.  It was one of those times where you're super tired but sleep is dancing just out of reach.  So I ended up sitting there zoned out on the computer.  What better time for Facebook stalking.

It got me thinking about all those people on there.  A lot of them are from high school.  I like to look at my high school peers on Facebook.  I like to see where they've all gone and what they're up to.  I'm a little shocked that so many of them are married and have kids.  That's crazy to me.  I can't imagine myself married with kids.  A roommate and three pets is about all I can handle right now.

Anyway, looking back at all these people I crossed paths with in high school got me to thinking about all the people that come into your life and leave small little footprints before they go.  I think back to high school, for example, and I have all these memories with people that have gone so far now.  There are lots of memories that really stand out to me that have probably helped shape who I am, even if it is only small ways.  A lot of those memories have people in them that have left small little footprints and memories with me.

It makes me wonder how many of those people have small little memories of me and what they are.  Have I stuck with them at all?  Are there some small little memories that make them think of me randomly?  It really makes me wonder.  I hope I have left footprints in some people's lives.  Of course, unless you live under a rock, you touch people; people notice you.  Hopefully.  But I don't believe that anyone is so insignificant that someone doesn't notice them, even if it is one of those small moments.

I just sometimes wonder about those things.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring is in the Air!

Spring is in the air!  I'm a self proclaimed winter lover.  I love the snow; I love it when it is so cold out that your nose freezes.  But on days like this I do have to admit that I love the spring too.

I love it when the sun is shining but it isn't blazing hot.  If there is a gentle breeze that's enough to cool you off it's perfect.  I love the smell of fresh earth with new plants sprouting.  The trees come alive again with little buds and perfect young leaves.  Blossoms on the trees are so beautiful and they give off just enough perfume.  Or maybe it's a lot of perfume, I don't actually know because I have a very sad sense of smell.  The first flowers like fresh tulips are a splash of color in Colorado where our normal colors are brown and brownish green.  I never realized how much I like tulips but when they appear in the spring it makes me smile.

Right outside my door is this tall bush.  I never really thought about it before except that sometimes its branches tap on my window and scares the living daylights out of me.  But this spring it has bloomed with beautiful purple pink blossoms.  The other day I was leaving for work and while rushing out the door I caught a whiff of the perfume.  I literally paused and just breathed it in. 

It reminded me that in this topsy turvy world, you have to take a minute and smell the roses.  So thank you Springs, for giving me that perfect moment.

Right outside my door.

Stolen from my friend Kathleen.  But it's so pretty and embodies Spring to me.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Gerani's Birthday!

Gerani is 12 years old today!  A little less than 12 years ago my mom drove me up to Denver to pick up a puppy from the airport.  She was born in California and sent to Colorado at 2 months old.  My first puppy, Jonas, was a huge black lab puppy with giant gangly feet.  But not this puppy.  I opened the crate to find this tiny puppy that was SO fluffy.

Gerani was more of a timid puppy.  She didn't like our trips to the fire house to meet firemen in their full gear or the trips to the farm to meet cows and horses.  When we flew to California she was a perfect angel on the plane.  She also tolerated going to Lego Land and the dog beach, although she refused to dirty herself by getting in the water.  She came back to me from CCI because she was too much of a princess.  I can't say I was surprised.  And when I saw her get off the plane the second time, I knew I was keeping her.

Thank you, Gerani, for a wonderful 12 years with you!  Here's to 12 more!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Scratching the surface

Who am I?  Does anyone else think that's the hardest question to answer?  I'm a whole made up of little pieces that are always changing.  That's one of the reasons to keep this blog.

Here's a little about me:
  • I can cook but I don't like to.
  • Backpacking Europe was the best experience of my life.
  • I love hot cocoa even in the summer.
  • I can't start a TV show in the middle of a season.
  • This is the first house I've ever rented on my own.  It's quirky and I love it!
  • I've got mad singing and dancing skills in the car.
  • I prefer jeans and a tshirt with a hoodie.
  • I've never ordered a drink and not been carded (that might have something to do with my style choice.)
  • I cry at almost all sad movies.
  • I listen to Disney songs when I clean.

One of the most important things you should know about me is that dogs are my life.  I have a degree in English Literature but I've decided to make training dogs my career.  That all started with raising puppies for Canine Companions for Independence.  Taking a dog to high school everyday will sure teach you to rise above the silliness of teenage kids.  I'm about to go for my training certification this year.  Wee!

I have two dogs and a cat of my very own.  They are my babies and I'd pretty much do anything for them.


Theo is my first cat.  He graciously allows me to live in his house.  He loves chin scratches and is obsessed with escaping outside.

Gerani is my old girl.  She was one of my CCI puppies and came back to live with me after she decided she'd rather be waited on in life.  She turns 12 on Monday but she's such a trooper.


Whitman is my mystery boy.  Six months after I lost my lab, Vallie, I decided I needed a puppy.  Whitman was an "impulse buy" at the humane society.  Boy howdy I didn't know what I was getting into.  He's touchy around strangers but he's my fluffy boy.  I wouldn't trade him for anything.

There's always more where that came from.  You'll have to tune in to find out.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hello to the world of 26

Today I turn 26.  Man, I remember when 26 seemed so old.  It's crazy to think that I'm closer to 30 than 20.  I'm an old lady!

So I figured, now was the time to start reflecting on myself and my life.  I have my own little outlook on the world and I want to share it.  I want to show it.  Your birthday is a better new start than New Years.  So all my New Year's resolutions I haven't gotten around to get a second chance!  One of those is blogging.

I don't know how this blog will go but I hope to post here everyday be it thoughts, random observations, pictures, quotes, songs...  Anything that speaks to me.

Remember to enjoy it all with a side of coffee.