I've decided to move and rent my house. Partly financial, partly in hope of what else is to come in life.
This is a hard choice because I love having my own space and my own house. Course it would help if I was there more often so I could get more done. Since Jake and I have been serious I've spent more time at his place than at my own. It's getting to be an expensive place to keep my belongings rather than my home.
Financially, in order to afford my new car, this makes sense too. I can make a profit off of renting rather than just scraping by. All in all, it makes sense. Plus I'm renting to someone I know and trust so I'm not so worried about that. Still, it is a bitter sweet. I don't feel like I've been able to really settle my life somewhere. I feel like I have been on the move or just not quite settled enough to really take a deep breath and relax. I haven't felt like that in a long time. So hopefully just a few more moves before I get that feeling.
So where am I going? Theo will be vacationing with my parents for a while. He'll be so pleased to be with my mom, whom he loves, and have a grand old time bullying my dad to put him outside on his tether so he can spend time communing with nature and possibly catching birds. Whitman will be with me "at Caitlin's house". My things will probably be all over the damn place again. My parents will probably get some and I'll bring some to my sister's house. Then I'll have some with me wherever I am at the moment (probably Jake's). So again, unsettled.
Hopefully it isn't forever though. My sister is going to go through some treatments so maybe I can help her out at home some. Or at least not stress her out more. That's the goal.
I have to say though, I am purging my stuff FOR SURE this time. Where do I get this much stuff? I have no idea. I honestly think that some of my stuff gets together and buys the rest of my stuff a drink and then more stuff is born. I would like to get rid of 2/3 of everything I own. I am not really materialistic so I wonder where I got all this. It will feel wonderful to shed myself of anything I haven't touched in the last year. That's quite a bit of stuff.
I MUST do this because I am not moving all this crap again. I HATE MOVING! You wouldn't know it though since I end up doing it all the time it seems.
Anyway, here's to the future! Homeless again!