What has this done to me? In the past year I discovered my love for HGTV. At first I refused to love anything but House Hunters but slowly I've ventured out timidly. I knew already from buying my own house, that I love the old houses. I know from my house that I don't want to renovate a house ever but it would be swell if someone else could renovate for me. So that brings me to my newest love, Fixer Upper.
Fixer Upper
It is this show about a couple in Texas that renovate old homes for clients. They're the cutest couple ever, besides my husband and I that is. They kind of remind me of us because they're silly haha. Anyway, they buy ugly old houses and completely renovate them then the wife stages the house BEAUTIFULLY! Her style is so pretty. I always want to decorate like that; I can see it in my head but I can never quite seem to get there in reality. So her decorating is like eye candy. So in love with it. I really need to start writing down the things that I love so I can decorate our new house.
Good and bad news, she sells some of her stuff. Magnolia Market How cool is this stuff? Someday I'm going to be able to decorate with some of this and have it look marvelous! I love this little gem. I am always losing socks when I do laundry so that would be so nice to have.
Someday I'm going to figure out this whole organizing and decorating a house thing.
Until then, I'll binge watch these shows and live vicariously through other people.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
Hello dear blog! I missed you!
I feel like I lost my brain for a lot of last year. It went by so fast. It felt like Jake and I got engaged at the beginning of the year then, bam! We were getting married and went on the honeymoon and then the year was over. That was pretty much 2015 for me. I will go back and do some posts like the holidays and the wedding, just give me time.
For now, things are coming along. Life has never been better for me than it is right now. I've never been this happy. Things are changing but change is so necessary for life, I can't even tell you. If you're not changing then you can't really be happy because the world isn't stagnate. There are exciting things coming that I am nervous about but also very excited. I never would have guessed this would be my life if you asked me a couple of years ago but I am so glad it is. So I can only look forward with hope and excitement.
This post will be less about the past than what is happening right now. Right now is on my mind.
Whitman is costing me a fortune with his foot. About a month or so ago, I noticed his nail was bleeding and bent a bit to the side after he went running about the yard after some little critter or another. The nail seemed solid on his foot so I didn't think too much of it except he kept limping off and on and licking his foot. So I finally broke down and took him to work to get that looked at. The doctor suspected that his toe was broken but there wasn't much to do with it except put him on pain killers and antibiotics and wait for it to heal.
Of course, right when Jake and I were leaving town for New Years, Whitman ripped it more and bled all over the car on the way to my sister's house. Big thanks to my sister for taking Whitman to the vet for me. The doctor decided to pull the nail off at that time and when he did a piece of bone came out with it. So yes he broke his toe and it was pretty much cut the digit off or hope that the toenail didn't regrow in a painful way. Just call him Whitman the Toeless Wonder!
That itself wasn't so bad but he's refused to keep his bandage on. He ate it off once then pulled the stitches out a second time, requiring him to go back under and get the damn foot stapled. He's a terror with the cone and looks so pathetic but it is finally healing up. If he pulls anything out again I might just kill him. I just want him to heal and feel better so we can start running together.
Work has been going great. I absolutely love working at a vet's office; somehow, I always knew I would. I have also answered the question of do I want to be a vet tech and the answer is no. Don't really want to do that at all. Good to know though. I would love to keep working in vet's offices and possibly go back for a degree in management or something to further that career path.
Business is booming at House of Dog too and that's been incredible. Going to look into putting more time into that here coming up soon. It is great to have a passion that works for you. Love it.
I was sitting at home going through things this morning and one thing I used to do that I miss is called Postcrossing. It is a site that you can sign up for that allows you to send and receive postcards from around the world. I've been collecting postcards for years and I loved getting them from all different places and countries. Did it for years and then just kind of peetered off. So I reactivated my account and sent some out this morning, Strangely, I sent like 9 to Russia. Come on, it's a huge world out there! Why so many to Russia? Then I ran out of cards so I ordered a few more. We'll see how it goes from here but I can't wait to get some from the great wide world.
My phone headphone jack stopped working. If you know me, you know I don't like the quiet. I like to have my headphones going with something on, even if I'm not actively listening to it because I just can not stand the quiet. Sadly, my husband does like the quiet so I wear my headphones a lot of the time all over the place. It's hard not to have that work. Course, it might actually be a good thing because I might be able to break myself of this obsession with having something playing at all times. I need to distance myself from my phone anyway. That's what Jake says even if he is on his phone just as much as I am. (Honey, you know it is true.) It is just hard to break habits. I mean it took me about 10 years to stop biting my nails. This could be hard.
Hmm... What else do I want to comment upon? Eh at the moment that is all I had. Love to you all out there in Blogsworld!
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