Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Skunks are punks!

So Whitman got sprayed by a skunk two nights ago.  At first I thought it was the weed killer that my dad put down but no, totally a skunk.

So at like 11pm I am brushing my teeth and I smell this smell.  Then I realized, oh crap I put Whitman outside on top of the weed killer my dad sprayed earlier and totally didn't think about it.  I RUN to the door and call him in and he smells like ass.

Well I don't have the best sense of smell in the world so I didn't immediately think skunk.  I just knew he smelled awful.  So awful I was gagging and I thought he was stinking up my room and I couldn't sleep.  So I slept on the couch while he slept sprawled out on my bed.  Yeah, those sheets are getting washed.

I wake up in the morning and his face is all puffy but I took him to LD for his grooming appointment anyway.  Well guess what was cancelled?  So I had to pick him up after work and take him to Wag N Wash for a bath.  A whole bottle of skunk shampoo later and he still smells.  It's just masked by the shampoo.  I have never had a dog skunked before but I hear that the smell doesn't go away for months.  Damn this dog!

He's also still got some face swelling going on.  I refuse to get a vet bill out of this though so I gave him some allergy meds and hopefully that helps.  Grrr this boy.

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