Saturday, January 3, 2015

Welcome to 2015!

Goodbye 2014 and welcome to 2015!  I can't believe that the year has come and gone already.  It really snuck up on me.  This was the first time in a while that I didn't really do anything for New Years Eve.  Work was terrible that day so I admit I wasn't in the mood to party.  We did end up meeting some friends at Noodles for a low key, off the beaten path dinner.  Then we went to the Broadmoor to walk around and see the Christmas lights, since that is something that I do every year and had yet to see this season.  I have to admit though, as beautiful as they were, I was so cold that we were only there for maybe a half an hour.  Then home we went and, since Jake has made me an old person, we went to bed.  At midnight, we were asleep.  We woke up, gave each other a New Years' kiss and went back to sleep.  That's how you ring in the new year man!

I do have to say, 2014 was such a wonderful year for me.  My relationship with Jake has grown and become something that I never thought to ask for.  I got to meet his family and he met mine.  We moved in together which has been amazing.  I never knew living with someone would be so natural and so wonderful.  I am so excited for 2015 with the love of my life.

I got to scratch some things off of my bucket list, most notably the hot air balloon ride which was amazing.  I've decided that I want to live my life with adventure.  Maybe I can't have grand adventures everyday but I want to do something adventurous every month.  Life shouldn't be a rat race all the time.  We need moments to look forward to.

I quit a job I had grown to hate.  It was souring my dream and I finally got the courage up to quit and get rid of that negativity in my life.  I want to continue that forward into the new year, no more negativity.  Life is too short for me to deal with people or things that make me miserable.  I don't want to be miserable anymore.  Although LD started out as such a positive influence in my life, it certainly flipped near the end there where I hated it.  It is weird to think that things can change so drastically but I think being honest about your happiness and not making excuses is very healthy.

I'm also heading into a new adventure with my own business which is terrifying but exciting at the same time.  I can't wait to do things my way and answer to myself and not have to worry about the crazy negativity of others.  I'm still pretty terrified of it though.

I got a pretty big promotion at WNW.  It isn't a job I want to stay with forever but I take pride in improving my situation.  I think I am outgrowing it rapidly but it is something that I very much enjoy right now.

Jeanine came into our lives.  I secretly hope she stays in our lives...

Going into the new year, I have dedicated the word "health" to the year.  I want to become healthy physically which has been something I need to dedicate more energy to for a long time.  Since I have a cruise hanging over my head in a couple of months I need to get serious about it.  Health also means mental and emotional.  I've been taking that seriously for over a year now and it brought Jake into my life.  There are still things that I need to work on and improve but that's life.  Life is a work in progress where we learn lessons and make changes. 

I hope 2015 brings health, positive changes and happiness.  I want so many things but there are two things that I want more than anything.  What do you think that is?

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