In the news, the Broncos won the Superbowl. Can't say I really watch football but it was a good game and I'm glad Colorado won it, especially after the debacle of the last one two years ago. Plus, Colorado is basically the best state out there so... no reason not to crush everyone else.
Something else I'm seeing is how "gay" the halftime show was. ...Really? Are we really concerned about that in this day and age? It always shocks me how inclined people are to hate, disrespect and devalue other people based on aspects of that person that has nothing to do with them. If the half time show was "gay" does it really matter? You're watching a sport where grown men jump on each other, dance in victory and smack each other on the asses. If that doesn't make it "gay" then why should rainbow colors make the half time show gay? Can't you just relax and enjoy it? And even if you don't enjoy it, then let it go and enjoy the game. There is no need to get on social media and spew hatred and intolerance into the world. Apparently there is enough of that already without people going out of their way to be ignorant and hateful. Shut up, eat your dip and leave everyone else alone.
Something else I've been meaning to mention is the whole "Oscars are too white" thing. That irritates me beyond belief. Racism does exist and it always will exist as long as we point out and highlight the differences between people. Here's something that may not make me popular. Just as a white person is not entitled to more than a person of a different race, someone of color is not entitled to more than someone white just because of the pigment of their skin. If you don't want people to be racist, stop asking for favoritism based on skin color, no matter the skin color. Yes, it is possible for people of other races besides Caucasian to be racist.
So yes, the Oscars may be pretty white this year. Everyone who wasn't nominated, no matter their race, should strive to do better next year. You shouldn't be nominated because you are a person of color that did a nice job. You should strive to be nominated because you did an excellent job at something. I also don't think every kid in the race should get a metal. You get a metal when you win. If you didn't win, try harder, improve. That's how you learn and improve in life. If you don't have to strive to be better because you'll just get something handed to you anyway, why worry about being the best you can be? You can worry more about how you can alienate and disrespect that person over there when you don't have to worry about your own caliber.
Anyway, that's me on my high horse for now. Stop complaining about other people and worry about yourself and being the best person and living the best life you can.
Morgan Freeman on Racism
Another Video