Thursday, February 13, 2014

Video Production

The time as come.  Angie, Astrid and I are all in Boise ID to meet with Tawzer Dog.  Those outside the dog training world probably have no idea what Tawzer Dog is but they are THE producers of dog training and animal DVDs in the US.  Being here and seeing how a DVD is filmed is pretty cool in itself but the fact that Angie is the one filming is pretty damn cool.

Angie was very brave today.  She got up in front of a green screen and talked about flirt poles.  Very intimidating and I would have been so tongue tied but she did wonderfully.  We got mostly done with filming today and we'll do some pick ups tomorrow then she's done and in a couple of months she's going to have a fancy pants DVD.

I'm very proud of her.  This is what it is all about.  Astrid and I came to give her some emotional support.  Which for me has been sitting just out of camera range with snacks and giving her thumbs up.  It's been a good time!  Couple that with a nice hotel and hot tub and this isn't a half bad vacation!

Congrats Angie!  Can't wait to see the finished product.

"Well, that's not intimidating at all." -Angie

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