Thursday, May 1, 2014

That destruction thing

You know, human beings are strange creatures.  We crave attention and companionship which lead us to form and put up with all sorts of societies.  We love each other and express friendship and relationships in one breath then turn around and systematically destroy the ties we've spent so much time cultivating.  We leave destruction, hurt and anger in our wakes at the same time we feed the fire of our own hurt and anger.  It turns into a vicious cycle of bitterness and self loathing.  Yet we do it over and over again all over the world.  It's amazing we obey laws when they tell us not to steal or murder.  Sometimes it's amazing the human race manages to continue without snuffing ourselves out.

I've spend the last 24 hours witnessing such a destructive act between two people I both care for and respect.  Things were said that were both unfair and cruel.  A relationship, a multi-layered relationship, went up in smoke for no good reason.  I wish I could have headed it off.

First, I was reminding myself that people grieve in their own ways.  Sometimes that means lashing out.
Second, I was reminding myself of my own advice of "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
Third, I was trying to stay on top of all the shit flying around while being respectful to both parties.
Fourth, I was shocked by the mushroom cloud of the explosion and didn't know what to do next.

Fifth... deal with the fallout.

Hopefully the core group of us that have managed to keep ourselves mostly clean from the shit flying around can come together and form a stronger group.  Maybe we'll be stronger after we lick our wounds and move on.  Those of us that can keep a clear mind and head above the storm clouds can do our best to pick up the pieces and find a new way for them to fit together.

It sucks though.  I wish everyone could have taken a couple deep breaths, counted to ten, dealt with their hurt and anger in a mature way then sat down in a couple of days to work everything out and come to an understanding.  But that frisky human desire to destroy got in the way.


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