Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm having a day

I'm having one of those days where I am alternately pissed off then content.  Then pissed off, then content...  So on and so forth.  I was driving to work and decided to treat myself to a Starbucks (I am weaning myself off of it because I need to save money but every so often I have a morning where I deserve a Starbucks.)  While pulling through the drive through I could hear this cricket chirping in the rocks and I just wanted to get out and stomp all over the place to squish that stupid cricket.  Why such rage at the cricket playing his pretty song you might ask.  One probably because crickets are icky creatures that hop around and possibly I had a bad experience with one as a child.  Two because it's not such a pretty chirping song when the damn cricket is in your room and chirping happily through the night and you can't find the blasted creature.  And three, I'm just pissed off, damnit.  I managed to calm myself with the thought of my morning coffee and the little thing survived.

Once the coffee started flowing I got happier and drifted my way into work.  Then the flip flop began and I've been back and forth on my mood.  Maybe it's because I don't feel that great still (fighting off a cold) and maybe it's just because sometimes people bug me.  I'm not a huge people person to begin with and some days I'd rather just go home and hang out with my dogs than deal with the whole social thing.

Grump.  Grump grump grump grump.

In other news, I'm seeing movement on the housing front again.  The sellers agreed to put a new roof on the house downtown so we're going to hammer out another offer and move forward.  I hope I get it because I'm really just kind of done with the whole house hunting thing.  Nightmare.  But if I can move into that house with a fancy new roof life would be good. 

That's probably the sole reason for some of my happy moments today.  Otherwise today is just a good day for everyone to leave me alone and I'll leave you alone and we'll both exist happily.

Shit I have so much packing to do.  Back to being crabby.

To offset the grumpiness I decided to add a picture from way back when enjoying a concert in Paris on Bastille Day.

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