Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Morning Thoughts

For the past two mornings I have been up by 6:15 am.  That doesn't necessary mean I'm awake though.  I feel like I only spent about 3 hours actually awake yesterday and the rest was zombie Allison doing an impersonation of me.  My sleep schedule has been a little out of wack and I'm feeling it.  And here's the torturous thing, I am the receptionist for a behavioral sleep medicine doctor and there is a sleep lab attached to that.  So when I'm stumbling around at the office in the morning I'm around these nice quiet sleep study rooms with fluffy bed and dim lights.  It is torture!  Half the time I just want to crawl into them and take a nap.  They look so inviting...  *sigh*  It's really just mean is what it is.  Course, they do provide nifty coffee machines which I worship at so I guess it's a double sided sword.

I'm trying to decide what to do with my living situation.  I'm waiting to qualify for another better loan to see if I can get this house I really want.  My lease is also up at the end of the month (Happy August!) so I need to decide what to do about that.  I'd love to stay there because I love the house.  If I could afford that house all problems would be solved and I'd be a happy camper.  Alas it is way out of my price range.  So we have to decide if we will sign another lease and then have one of my roommate's brothers take over for me when I'm ready to move into my own house or we find another place to crash for a while until I can figure out the whole buying a house thing.  I'll probably beg a room from my brother if he can stand to live with my dogs and cat.  As much as I love them, I don't want to live with my parents and my sister's house would feel a little too crowded.  I need to call my landlord today which means I need to talk to my roommate.  We haven't seen much of each other lately, which sucks.  We've been two ships passing in the night.  When I leave in the morning she's asleep and half the time when she get's home at night I'm asleep.  When we are home together at the same time often I am downstairs because it's too bloody hot upstairs.  I don't know how she lives up there without melting away.  Anyway, I hope we continue to live together because she's a rockin' roommate.  I'm sure I'm much harder to live with than she is haha!  Loves you Caitlin.

Everyone knows that I'd rather be cold than hot.  So it sucks that at home I'm always hot but then at work the AC blows right on me and I freeze to death.  There is no middle ground.  That's because summer sucks and I'm really just ready for Fall and Winter now.  They're the best months anyway.

Oh hey the Olympics are going on.  Yay Olympics.  Okay I have to admit I'm not all that excited.  I much prefer the Winter Olympics.  But still, I don't get all that excited either way.  Go them.  I'm sure it feels wonderful to go to the Olympics.  Hey when I was a kid all my Barbies were Olympians.  But it is hard to be excited when it is all they way in London.  I'm sure the people of London are very excited, which they should be.  I'd be excited if the Olympics were in Denver.  I do admit that I am keeping up with the Olympic news though but that might be because I'm a news junkie.  The Olympics can be counted on for something new every hour or two so I appreciate it.  Like did you see?  Those shocking badminton players throwing matches!  OMG!  Olympic drama.

Well I should probably stop sitting here nursing my coffee and actually get to work.  *Sigh*

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