Okay so this was from a month ago but I'm only just getting around to it. I have done a lot of picture posts lately but that's what I'm in the mood for so here you are.
Every Labor Day at Memorial Park, the Colorado Balloon Classic sends hot air balloons into the skies over Colorado. We went a lot when I was a kid but I hadn't gone since before college. I have wanted to go for years but it always surprises me and I miss it. So this year I went with Caitlin and Astrid. It was really overcast so the pictures are all dark but it was a lot of fun.
The whole time I was thinking "They're going to Balloonia!" Brownie points for anyone who gets that reference.
Colorado is a beautiful place to live. Nothing proves that more than mountain aspen groves in the fall. Caitlin and I decided to get off our butts this weekend, me neglecting my many loads of laundry that need to get done, and went up to see them. We drove up through Divide and took the mountain roads to Cripple Creek. Colorado speckled with gold is beautiful. Pictures don't do it justice but I'll share them anyway.
This is one of my favorite pictures of me!
That, golden aspens and fresh mountain air, are peace and freedom to me.
A very sweet website where people recreate old photographs by incorporating them into new photos. The photographs are accompanied by small notes and remembrances. A lot of them are very touching.
When I think back to the beginning of summer, my favorite moments
were on the deck soaking up the sun with Charlotte. In a few short
months, we would have to make the hardest decision of our lives. Someday
I hope those last few days together will fade from my memory, and I’ll
be left with the nine great years we had. They say a dog is man’s best
friend. Charlotte was certainly no exception.
I wish I would’ve cherished the moments we had together more.
Looking back now, I definitely took them for granted. After one year of
missing you more than words could ever describe, that same little piece
of my heart is still broken. I just need to remember to keep breathing,
knowing you’ll always be by my side…no matter where you are.
Bernice and Zeke fell in love at first sight. It was true puppy
love. Even though Bernice has long since passed away, Zeke loves to sit
on that same back step, just like always. I wonder who he is thinking
about… Kiley
I'm in the mood to go home and snuggle my babies. What a week it has been.
I'm behind on posting again. That does seem to happen.
Big news anyway. As most of you know, I am under contract on a house. FINALLY! This has not been an easy or short process. I made offers on... three houses for a total of 5 offers before I found this one. It's a cute little two bedroom house that needs some tender loving care. I like the area; in fact it is less than a block from one of the other houses I put an offer on is.
I admit when I first saw it I was like "hell no." It requires work... a lot of work. I so wanted a house I could just move in to. I love my brother and adore him even more for letting me stay with him but I want my own space. I'm sure he's thinking the same thing.
What needs to be done?
New Furnace as the house does not currently have heat.
All New Electrical so the house doesn't burn down once I buy it.
Redone Kitchen because I can't even bare the thought of using it right now. The refrigerator is in the laundry room at the moment and pretty much ever inch of the kitchen is unusable.
Plumbing in the bathroom could use updating.
Floors need to be resanded and polished and the carpet in one bedroom needs to be replaced.
Gutters are a nice thing to have in working order.
The Front Stoop is a little rickety.
Wood Fencing is important with my dogs. On that note the whole backyard needs to be picked up.
Paint is always a must.
A Million Little Things that I'm sure I'll be completely overwhelmed with later.
Man, looking at that now I'm wondering why I went for this house. Because it sure will be cute when I'm finished with it. We close October 5th. Then I'll have a home. Though I won't be able to move in for another month or two. Still, not enjoying the homeless thing.
It was a day that has defined our generation. Everyone remembers exactly what they were doing on the morning of September 11th, 2001 when our country and the world changed forever.
I was in St Louis. My grandfather had died several days before and we were all in St Louis for his funeral. September 11th was always going to be a day I would remember because my grandfather was buried that day and it was my brother's 11th birthday. No one knew what was going to happen. When I woke up that morning I didn't know that in just a few minutes I was going to see something that made my whole body go cold.
We were staying at my aunt's house and I woke up late. Everyone had already eaten and was already getting ready for the funeral service. I was in the kitchen alone eating cereal when I turned the tv on. I remember wondering what movie was watching because New York City was smoking on the screen. At 8:03 Central time (9:03 in New York City), I watched the second plane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center live. I remember my whole body went cold and I remember thinking, "Oh my God, this isn't a movie..." That thought was so distinct that it is one of the clearest memories I have. I just felt so much horror and disbelief.
I wanted to stay glued to the screen but I had to get ready for the funeral so when I could finally move, I ran down the stairs to get dressed with the radio on. That day was so chaotic and confusing. Between mourning my grandfather with my family, we were all trying to keep up with the news as much as possible. We heard about the other flights that went down but no one really knew what was happening. We just knew that it was a day that would change everything.
Everything did change. I never felt so horrified at the blatant hatred that could lead people to turn on other innocent people and snuff out their lives. I think I can attribute my resistance of organized religion to the feeling that such devotion to a cause that breeds so much hatred and exclusion is wrong. For me that came from September 11th. At the same time I feel a fierce pride in being an American. That day, it didn't matter who you were, we were all Americans and we were so strong together. If I had been old enough, I would have enlisted in the military immediately to fight for us.
The most immediate change I saw was in school. I attended high school on the United States Air Force Academy. I believe it is the only public high school on an active military base in the country. It was a regular high school until September 11th happened. Then the base shut down. No private cars were allowed on base, which was a problem for anyone who drove to school (probably over half the student body). Normally our school started at 7:10am and got out at 2:10pm. Those hours changed to 10am-5pm and everyone had to be bussed onto base. For those of us who did sports we had to meet at local areas at 4am and get bussed super early in the morning for our practices. For teenagers, that was hard enough. We were used to the guards at the gate but what we weren't used to was when armed soldiers boarded the bus to look at everyone's ID and check everyone's bag. It was intimidating to have a soldier with a huge M-16ish rifle shine a light in your face then in your bags. It was clear we lived in a scarier world.
It has been 11 years since I watched that plane fly into the building, knowing hundreds of lives had been lost in that second. The pain, shock and horror of that has not gone away. But I think it is important to remember. It is important to remember that every one of those 2,977 people who lost their lives. They weren't just American's; 372 nations lost a soul that day. All of them innocent. All of them with families that were left with holes in their hearts. Remember the heroes that died that day. The people on Flight 93 that banded together to take the plane down, sacrificing their lives for so many others. Remember the first responders that ran into the buildings while everyone else was desperate to flee. Remember every person who reached out to a stranger to offer support or comfort or to lean on each other. Remember every person that lost someone that day or has lost someone fighting for our country. So many of us have been so deeply touched and changed by this. I think it is important to remember.