Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Small towns...

Observations of Kanab, UT.

Okay I've never lived in a small town but I was under the impression that small towns were supposed to be quaint and friendly.  Apparently not so.  The people of Kanab are not overly friendly.  I love the people from Best Friends because we're all animal freaks and maybe don't have the best social skills with people.  But the towns people are not all that nice, which surprised me.

We went out to dinner one night and the customer service was terrible.  Meagan told me that they just don't like people from Best Friends and it is VERY easy to tell who is from BF and who isn't.  So if you are, you're not liked.  Very odd experience for me.

Right now there is a lot of construction going in Kanab.  Both the main roads are being repaved.  I must just be used to the construction of larger cities that have to be well planned and executed or people will murder you with their cars out of frustration.  Honestly, not so in Kanab.  They stripped ALL the main roads and just started blocking streets off and there are cones everywhere but no construction.  Half the time you can't figure out where the lanes are supposed to be because the cones are around willy nilly.  There would be a mass amount of accidents and angry people if this was Colorado Springs.  Seriously, I've never seen such cone disorganization.  The OCD in me wants to go through town and put them all in straight lines and figure that mess out.  Yikes.

Another driving observation... people don't run yellow lights.  In Colorado a yellow light means hurry your butt through the intersection. Two people behind you might go too.  But not in Kanab.  I almost hit someone be other day because they stopped right when the light changed to yellow.  So alien.  Don't you have somewhere to be?

Oh and this just tickles me.  At the beginning of town there is a cop car.  The only cop car I've seen yet by the way.  About the second day I drove past and the cop car was in the same exact place I slowed down and took a good look.  I couldn't believe it but there was a dummy sitting in the car dressed up as a police officer with it's head turned out to watch oncoming traffic.  I just about died of shock and laughter.  I had no idea people actually did that.  Doesn't that only happen in the movies?  Lord have mercy this is a different place.  I tried to get a picture but I couldn't get it to come out right and I felt like I was pushing my luck.  If a real live cop came by they may not appreciate it.  Of course that's just my theory that there are real cops here because I haven't seen one.  Still, I do feel better knowing that Dummy Dave is on the job keeping a close eye on the road.  That will show those crazy out of towners!

Oh and I have to share this beer I found while shopping.  I laughed pretty hard considering where Kanab is.  This wouldn't be out of the question as far as I know.  Don't take offence though.  None intended.


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