Saturday, October 26, 2013

APDT Conference

Well I've been at the Association of Professional Dog Trainers 2013 Conference here in Spokane for the past couple of days.  Let me tell you, this has been an in credible experience.  I am in awe of the people here with me.  It is incredible to be surrounded by and meet so many of the huge names in the dog training industry.  Also, I love the fact that there are SO many dog geeks here to rub shoulders with.

I've found that my brain is feeling less full during this conference than it has in the past but that's a good thing.  That means I'm learning and now it isn't so much about blowing my mind with information as fine tuning my skills.  That makes me feel better about this career.

Here's some pictures of it so far.  There is way too much information for me to post here.  Plus, you don't need me to dog geek out too much for you.  It's seeping out of my pores at the moment haha!

It has been lovely to share this experience with such lovely women!

Ken Ramirez, an incredible animal trainer.

Brian Hare, author of The Genius of Dogs.  Amazing book.

Ken McCort, who does amazing work with wolves and wolfdogs.

Best Friend's Sherry Woodard.
Dr. Ian Dunbar, the guru of dog training
These people are THE PEOPLE in the dog training world.  Amazing to have met them and heard them speak.  I need to go through my notes in the future to really process everything.

We also hit the Trade Show pretty hard.  If there is one thing dog trainers love, it is free stuff.  I am so overloaded with information and free treats that I have no idea how I am going to pack everything back up to take home.  One of the best things is that Astrid got $500 to spend at Tawzer, the main company that produces dog training videos.  We got quite a haul with that.

 Also there were more books than I could possibly read.  I can tell you it was hard to walk away from that table and I did spend some money there.

This has been a wonderful experience but I really should get to bed.  Tomorrow we are doing a chicken camp with Terry Ryan, which is a dream come true.  I can't wait for that and I have to be well rested!

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