Friday, May 18, 2012

Grr, Arg!

I'm in a bitchy mood.  That probably has something to do with the fact that it's super hot in here and I was napping for a little while but it wasn't enough.  It's been a long week.  It's been a long month.  I have so much going on and I feel like I'm not making progress on figuring out what I want in the future.  I think there are things I need to cut out of my life and I need to explore other areas.  It's time to move on but I have a hard time letting go.  I feel overwhelmed and stuck.  I'm getting that feeling that I need to make a jump forward.

All of that is depressing and it is making me grumpy.  The fact that I just did the dishes and my fingers are pruney.  I do love this house but I HATE the fact that there is no dishwasher.  Hate hate hate.

And as I'm sitting here writing this and being grumpy leave it to my kiddos to cheer me up.  Whitman was bopping Theo's head so Theo started chasing him around trying to jump on him.  They ended up running around the living room in a loop around Gerani.  Finally Gerani jumped up and barked; Theo and Whitman scattered.  It was like two little kids bouncing off the walls until Mom finally yells at them to just cut it out!  So funny.  They actually made me laugh when I was in this really horrible mood.  This is why I love them.  So blessed to have them.

That's exactly why I bought my flip, to catch moments like that..  Course it is downstairs.  I maybe need to keep it on the kitchen counter so that I can catch these matches between Theo and Whitman.  Hilarious.  The world needs to see that.

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