Monday, July 30, 2012

As Promised...

After baring some of my pet peeves, I think it is only fair to show some of my life's simple joys.

  • Post-it notes.
  • The first good cup of coffee.
  • Silent winter mornings.
  • Laughing at my own random obscure jokes.
  • Laughing at my own random jokes and someone else gets them.
  • Finding out someone is just as geeky as you are on a subject.
  • Reading a good book and finishing it is like saying goodbye to a friend.
  • When you’re bored and obsessively checking Facebook and an interesting post finally shows up.
  • Getting a package.
  • When someone loves the same horrible movies as me.
  • Finding that perfect cure for your craving.
  • The smell of fresh lavender.
  • Sea shells.
  • Jamming in your car with the windows down.

And to top it off... more random facts about me:

  • I name my plants if they have survived after a month.
  • I have the magical ability to fall asleep on long car rides. (Or plane rides... or train rides...)
  • I have an obsession with true crime shows.  (I know way too much about crime.)
  • I regularly reorganize my furniture every couple of months.
  • I can not sleep with my sheets untucked.
  • I talk to my animals.
  • I'm a homebody.
  • My favorite color is green.
  • My favorite animal is a penguin.  (I always wanted to adopt one at the zoo as a child and bring it home.)
  • My favorite food is spaghetti.
  • My favorite alcoholic drink is whiskey.
  • My favorite books and movies are the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  (Obsessively.)
  • My favorite quote is "Not all those who wander are lost."  (Three guesses where it's from.)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pet Peeves

Pet peeves, we all have them.  They irritate the crap out of us all in different ways.

Some of mine include:

  • People who drive under the speed limit.
  • People who drive with their blinker on and don't turn.
  • Noisy kids in movie theaters.
  • People who let their kids scream in public.  (My parents spanked me and I never threw a fit in public.)
  • People who sneeze and don't cover their mouths.
  • People who drive with their dogs in the bed if their trucks.
  • People who sniffle and don't blow their nose.
  • When people don't flush the toilet.
  • People who say, "Don't worry, my dog is friendly."
  • People who say. "Don't worry, dogs love me," and then do something stupid.
  • Smokers that toss their ashes and cigarette butt out the window of their cars.  (The world is not your ashtray.)
  • People who start drama just because.
  • People who type in ALL CAPS.  (Why are you screaming at me?)
  • People who type with indiscriminate caps.  tyPInG LiKe tHIs.  (What are you having a seizure?)
  • People who wait with their blinker on for a parking space before the other person is ready to pull out.
  • People who try to crush your hand when you shake theirs.
  • Leaving holiday decorations up months after that holiday.
  • Telemarketers that won't let you get a word in edgewise until you are forced to be rude and hang up on them.
  • Older people that call me "honey" or "dear" when they don't know me.
  • Bad grammar.
  • When there are construction cones blocking off lanes but no construction work being done.

Not pet peeves but my random dislikes:

  • Newspaper ink on my fingers.
  • Squishy fruit.
  • The sound of styrofoam rubbing on the side of a cardboard box.  (*Shutters*)
  • Dried toothpaste in the sink.
  • People who can't debate the reason behind their beliefs and viewpoints.  ("Because I'm right" is not an argument)
  • Mushrooms/olives/tomatoes.
  • Breaking one of my nails.  (I then have to bite them all off.)
  • When the sun is too low and I'm too short for the visor to do any good when I'm driving.
  • Chipped nail polish.
  • How it is impossible to open shrink wrap.

Okay okay so this post is starting to feel bitchy.  But if you don't admit there are little things that just drive you crazy then you're lying.  No one is a saint and we all have those pet peeves.  Just admit it.  Still, since I feel like I'm just complaining, my next post will be the random things that make me happy.  Keep the balance.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Horrible Happenings

I think we'd all agree that the world is not always a nice place.  Although the world is filled with decent, good people, it only takes one insane, rage filled person to inflict horror and suffering.

On early Friday, 7/20/12 the latest and last Batman movie opened.  So many people looked forward to the opening of The Dark Knight Rises with all the joy movies are supposed to bring.  It just took one crazy person with guns to ruin all of it.

I can't imagine the complete terror and chaos those people must have gone through.  My heart goes out to them and the families who lost someone.  So many people were hurt and too many people died.  Mental wounds will take far longer to heal then physical ones.  I don't know what could drive someone to plan such evil and carry it out on innocent people.  The human mind and soul can sometimes be a horribly dark and scary place.  I just wish all that darkness didn't explode and shock a community like this.  What a horrible way to have your life change forever.

Aurora Theater Shooting

Still, I think it is important to remember that no matter how evil people can be, there are still some very brave and deeply good people out there.  I have read so many stories about the ordinary people who did heroic things when faced with the worst situation.  Those and the stories of healing are what we should take away from this.

Survivor-Boyfriend took a bullet
Friends save friends
Christian Bale visit

To everyone out there.  Hug the people you love.  Tell them you love them.  Stay strong and heal.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The new job

After the fire and much thought, I quit my management position.  Although I loved the dogs and working with them, it was too stressful and unhealthy for me to continue working there.  I had so many bad feelings and reactions to some of the things going on.  We'll say I was set up to do an impossible job with little to no support.  What support I did have was often borderline abusive.  I've had jobs I didn't like and jobs I've left, but that was the first time where I felt I had to leave.  And I'm glad I did.

I'm not going to get into the final event that sprang me out, just know I am glad that I'd put in my two weeks notice already or I would have walked off the job for the first time in my life.  That's not the kind of person I am so I'm glad that it resolved itself.

So I'm off to a new job.  Well I've been working the new job for three weeks-ish now.  I'm now a "medical" receptionist at a doctor's office and drug trial company.  My sister works at the drug trial company so it's pretty nice to see her everyday.  Although I miss being with dogs all the time, I think this was the right change.  This is a 8-5 job.  Five o'clock comes around and I'm off, I'm out, I'm gone.  No one will call me needing me at all hours.  There aren't any stressful emergencies.  It's lovely.

Downside, I actually have to wear business casual.  *sigh*  No more jeans and comfy tshirts and such.  Oh well.  Guess that's a price I'm willing to pay.

Also, I am going to have to ask them for more to do.  I'm not used to being a glorified answering machine.  I do tend to get bored and then my brain starts dying slowly.  Right now that's kind of a welcome change but I know eventually I'm going to be banging my head on my desk.

Oh and in the spirit of this blog, there are FANCY COFFEE MACHINES HERE!  No more bad coffee.  It's a beautiful thing.

Friday, July 20, 2012


I have a lot to update about.  I just literally haven't had much time to do it all.  So I am going to choose one topic as to not overwhelm you all at once.

I have been meaning to update about the Renaissance Festival.  We'll just go with I LOVE the Ren Fest and go every year.  I don't think I've missed a year since I was old enough to go on my own.  If you don't love the Ren Fest then there's so something wrong with you.  Just kidding.  But really...

Colorado Renaissance Festival

So this year we ended up going on what I think was kid's weekend but it wasn't swarming with children any more than usual.  We like to go earlier in the day so it's not sweltering out but it was pretty hot.

Things to do there:
ShowsI'm not huge on this but every so often you see an act worthwhile.  The jugglers are always cool though I don't know if they were here this year.  The Celtic music guys are always good but if you know me you shouldn't be surprised that I love Celtic music.  Cast in Bronze is always super cool.  It is this theatrical guy that plays a Carillon, which is this huge instrument with all these bells.  It's a historic instrument and I think his is the only working model today.  Very beautiful music.  The joust is always fun if you want to hang out that long.  I always want to see them do more though but alas they can't get too dangerous I guess.  This year we saw a hypnotist show.  I participated so I didn't really see it.  Although I'm not huge into hypnotism, I do believe that meditation and deep relaxation can do wonders, which is really all hypnotism is really.  My sister assured me that it was a very entertaining show though.  I think she got pictures of me hypnotized but needless to say I am not posting them.  You'll just have to hypnotize me yourself if you want to see it.
Eat- The Ren Fest has all the great foods of carnivals.  I'm not a huge carnival junk food person but I do like the other stuff they have.  I can be counted on to enjoy a turkey leg from time to time.  I try to stay away from the chocolate booths because there are so many better things to spend your money on there.
Shop-  Okay let's face it, this is why I go to the Ren Fest.  I love to shop there.  I save up every year and go there to get jewelry, artwork or pottery.  I was hoping to get a new ceramic food dish for Whitman from my favorite booth there but she had really slim pickings this year.  It made me wonder if she had been having health problems and hadn't been able to do as much work.  Really sad.  I wanted to get a new Claddagh ring but didn't find anything that sparked my fancy.  I also didn't trade in any of my old rings since most of them are actually from Ireland and much more meaningful.  However I did get an anklet.  I've been meaning to train myself to wear one again so I bought one there with a pretty red tiger eye on it.  Tiger eye is supposed to be good for energy and knowing me I could always use some of that.  Then I bought a pendent from one of my favorite shops, Uncommon Adornments.  They have very pretty Celtic inspired jewelry.  The pendent I got is pretty simple and symbolizes inner strength.  I always like to pick something out with a good meaning.  As promised, I also got a pretty metal rose for Kathleen.  I got her one last year too.  I smell a tradition coming on.  Honestly I wish I had LOTS of money to blow because I could easily drop a good amount at the Ren Fest.  I've ALWAYS wanted to get a medieval inspired dress with the layers and corset.  I think they're beautiful and I so wish that was our style of dress today.  Today's clothes are just so much more boring than they were back then.  But I can't go sweeping around town in a cloak like I'd like to without declaring myself a major nerd/geek.  Which I am but I don't think I want to come that far out of the closet.  I think that's all I managed this year.  I always go with a goal.  Next year I think I'm going to have to get more artwork than jewelry.
Atmosphere- Whether you like it or not you can't beat the atmosphere of the Ren Fest.  Lots of people dress up and it's a good time.  Then there are the people that work there and really get into character.  They have a parade and it's just a great time.  Loves.  I've always kind of wanted to work there for the summer but I'm sure it is not as fun as it looks.  So I don't want to ruin the experience.

Although it is totally geeky, I love the Ren Fest.  Here's to next year!

Caitlin and I several years ago.

Uncommon Adornments Jewelry

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th!

If you're the superstitious kind don't step on a crack in the sidewalk or let a black cat cross your path today.  I'm not really sure what started this superstition and honestly I can't say that I've ever had a horrible day on a Friday the 13th.  Valentine's Day is much more cursed.  And I have to say I've never been overly impressed by the movies.  Texas Chainsaw Massacre scared me much more.

Anyway, I don't anticipate having a bad day today.  So far so good.  Had a breakfast at the first job today then headed over to the second job for my last shift.  You have NO idea how excited I am.  Or maybe you do from my last post.  I was in a pretty dark place earlier this week but all that anger has really turned into relief.  I feel like a huge weight is being lifted off my shoulders and I can actually breathe again.  It has been SO long since I've truly felt relaxed and not stressed.  I'm pretty much always stressed and I have the knots in my shoulders to prove it.  I'm actually considering going out and getting a massage to start my "New Life" knot and stress free. 

I still have 4 hours left on this shift but I'm feeling pretty good.  Thank you to my sister and dad for really talking me off of a ledge earlier in the week when I was ready to sacrifice everything just to get away.  Thank you to the friends I do have at work, mostly the training friends, who have given me hope in people (even in the dark places you can find people with good hearts).  And I'm going to say thank you to myself for realizing I deserve better and taking a chance on that.

I feel like a breath of fresh air!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

When you...

When you hate the thought of getting up in the morning and going to work.  Or when you hate hearing your phone ring because you fear it will be someone from work.  When you begin you hate yourself because of work...

...That's when you get the hell out of there.

I'm not going to lie, life has been rather tough for me the past couple of weeks.  The past couple of days has really had me questioning morally if I was doing the right thing.  As much as I want to rant and rave about it on here, I've really done enough of that.  Plus, I don't want to put it on here and poison this.  Also, since this is a public forum for me, it just isn't a good idea.  If I really got going on this I don't think I could stop myself and I don't think I would censor myself very well.

So we will just say something deplorable happened at work.  Those who need to know, know.  Those who want to know can ask me privately.  I won't go into it on here.  I'm not even going to share this.  However, I will say that I have never been so treated in my life.  I also have never felt the need to question myself and my work situation on such a moral level.  I was very close to making decisions that would have greately impacted my future and probably the future of a good number of people.  Not all those people would have deserved it but many would have deserved it and a whole lot worse.

I didn't sleep well last night and made myself physically ill because I was so torn over it.  Ultimately I've chosen, for now, to continue with the decisions I've already made.  If Friday wasn't already my last day then my decision would have been drastically different.  But since it is my last day I'm going to stick with training because that is my passion.  I don't want to leave the incredible training team at work.  Those people have given me a place to belong and I would be crushed to leave that.  However, if the poison of the other side at all leaks over into training then I am out the door.  I will not put up with it anymore.

Honestly, this whole thing sickens me.  I'm glad it is almost over.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Waldo Canyon Fire

This post has been a long time coming.  It has been a long, trying and nightmarish week for so many people I know and the community of Colorado Springs.  I've sat down several times to try and write this but I either got sucked into the news or just couldn't seem to get it all out.  But this week has been so life changing for so many that I can't let it go.  Warning, this will be a long one.

Last Saturday the 23rd what everyone thought was a small fire started in Waldo Canyon.  We could see the smoke from our house easily but, considering the number of fires burning in Colorado at the moment, it just didn't seem to be on the big scale.  I noticed it after teaching my puppy class but didn't think much of it.

Well not thinking about it didn't make it go away.  The fire got bigger and closer.  Suddenly it was something to worry about.  Parts of the city started to go under pre-evacuation notice, including Manitou Springs.  The one day I choose to leave my dogs at home, my house goes under pre-evacuation for a wild fire.  I, of course, freaked out and left work to go get Whitman, Gerani and Theo out of there.  I felt much better having them close to me so I didn't take the evacuation that seriously; I didn't grab much else other than my babies.  And then Manitou Springs went under mandatory evacuation early Sunday morning.  I was at my sister's house but the next day, while Manitou was evacuated, I couldn't help thinking about what I left behind.  The possibility of my house burning down was slim but when you're forced to consider it as a possibility, the world looks pretty different.  So, once again I left work in a panic and drove to the road blocks.  They told me that they weren't letting anyone in except for medications and pets.  I didn't need either but I needed to get back to my house for my own piece of mind.  So I burst into tears and told them that my cat was still home and I had to get in.  They let me in.  They took down my driver's licence and then told me I had 15 minutes.

Manitou was a ghost town.  It was incredibly quiet and eerie.  That didn't calm me down; instead it just freaked me out.  I rushed to my house and ripped around it like a hurricane grabbing clothes, papers and some other memories.  The one thing I had to get more than anything else was Vallie's ashes.  Part of me hated myself for forgetting them the first time.  If the house had burnt down, that's what I would have cried for.  It would have been like losing Vallie again.  *tears*

The house didn't burn down.  Although the fire was dangerously close to Manitou, they lifted the evacuation order on Sunday evening.  I didn't go home because the ash and smoke was so bad.  Plus, the stress of the fire being so close made me want to be with family.  It was comforting to be crashing with my sister.  Monday and Tuesday morning, nothing much happened.  The fire spread.  The smoke was everywhere.  Other neighborhoods went on evacuation alert.

Tuesday, the beautiful, peaceful community I grew up in changed forever.  Lives changed forever.  Suddenly 65 mile per hour winds drove the fire toward the Northwest end of the Springs where I have so many friends.  Suddenly, pre-evac became mandatory evacuation, and that became a panicked run from a wall of flames roaring down the mountain.  When I heard the evacuation order for that area, I couldn't believe it.  Although my parents had semi packed up, no one believed it would actually happen.  So when it happened and I couldn't get my dad on the phone, I immediately left work again and raced for their house.  About Woodmen Rd and I-25, the ash clogged the beautiful blue Colorado sky.  Everyone was grey and smoggy and completely terrifying.  I raced up Woodmen Rd as people went the other way, escaping with everything they had in the world, wondering if they'd ever get to go back.

At my parents' house, the ashy sky was light up with orange as the flames came in.  I have never been more scared in my life.  It was so surreal to go into my childhood home and throw everything we could into boxes and into the cars.  My childhood home.  Where I have memories of love, and fun and the most perfect family and childhood anyone could have.  I just kept thinking, that's where we played Monster, that's where we used to wait at the stairs on Christmas morning while my poor parents dragged themselves out of bed, all the places we found Easter eggs, all the birthdays, family dinners and simple little moments that have made me who I am.  All of that is there.  How could all of that go up into flames?  Who would I be if I didn't have that most important foundation?  Terrifying.  *tears*

But there wasn't any time to be terrified.  We had to go through the house triaging what we would and could save.  As painful as it was for me, I can't imagine what it was like for my parents.  We were all there working together and we got through it.  We packed the cars and we were just about to get in and pull out when there was this heartbreaking moment when my parents hugged each other.  They held on to each other so tight and then they started to cry.  It was so heart wrenching to think of what they were leaving behind.  I just hugged them too and told them the only thing I could, that it was just stuff.  That if the house was lost, it was just stuff.  They were getting out alive and unhurt and we were all together and that is what mattered.  They were so brave.  *tears*  Then we piled into each car and rolled out.

Rolled out into a line of people fleeing fire.  It was like a movie with the orange flames and ash.  What they don't show you in the movie is the long tension filled line of cars packed to bursting.  The fire was literally behind us in people's backyards.  It was chewing through the lives of people.  No one really knew if they would ever get to go home again.  Words really can not describe that feeling.  For those that weren't there, anxiously bumper to bumper with other evacuees, I don't think we can describe it.  And some had it worse than my family.

We all made it out in one piece.  My brother opened up his home to my parents and our neighbors and I continued to stay with my sister.  I wanted to be close.  And part of me couldn't bare going home when so many people couldn't.  And so I stayed.

And the city watched.  The city watched as parts of it burned.  It has been so horrible and traumatic.  I don't think I've obsessively watched the news like that since 9/11.  Work was crazy with taking in evacuated dogs (I'm glad we could do our part for those in need).  I spent my time trying to keep work on track, trying to stay up with all the news and taking donations to the fire fighters.  

Then we all found out things would never be the same.  Along with the distinguished Flying W Ranch, a long standing cowboy staple of the community, which I heard we had lost while we were all in line fleeing the fire, 346 homes were also burned to the ground.  346 families lost everything.  I can't even say how heartbroken I am for them.  The community is heartbroken with them.  Two people also lost their lives.  My thoughts and prayers go out to all those people.

Somehow, in the face of loss and devastation, the human spirit can be an incredible thing.  This community has come together and will continue to come together for everyone who needs the strength to stand and recover from this.  When the people who lost their homes are ready, we will be there for them.  Every spare cent I can afford right now will be going to the relief efforts.  When the time comes, I will be there to help them rebuild.  I promise.

And we recognize the heroes who stood in front of those flames and defended the houses they could.  The fire fighters have been more than incredible.  The bravery and selflessness of those men and women will save this community and help us rebuild more than the physical structures they saved.  I think having the fire fighters to stand behind has helped this community keep its spirit.  That is a beautiful thing.

We will recover.  Someday the Waldo Canyon Fire will be a horrible memory.

Now I am going to post the pictures of this whole thing.  They're hard for me to look at but I feel like they need to be archived.

Here is a time lapse of the week of the Waldo Canyon Fire.  It brings me to tears.
Time Lapse

There are so many people who need help here.  Please consider donating what you can.  One of my favorite sites has tshirts for sale and all proceeds go to the relief effort.  Wild Fire Tees

Other ways to help:

I'll most other ways to donate specifically to those who lost their homes when that is really set up.  For now, prayers and thoughts for those affected by this dark time.

This was incredibly hard for me to write.  Harder than I thought it was.  Lots of tears.