Monday, July 23, 2012

The new job

After the fire and much thought, I quit my management position.  Although I loved the dogs and working with them, it was too stressful and unhealthy for me to continue working there.  I had so many bad feelings and reactions to some of the things going on.  We'll say I was set up to do an impossible job with little to no support.  What support I did have was often borderline abusive.  I've had jobs I didn't like and jobs I've left, but that was the first time where I felt I had to leave.  And I'm glad I did.

I'm not going to get into the final event that sprang me out, just know I am glad that I'd put in my two weeks notice already or I would have walked off the job for the first time in my life.  That's not the kind of person I am so I'm glad that it resolved itself.

So I'm off to a new job.  Well I've been working the new job for three weeks-ish now.  I'm now a "medical" receptionist at a doctor's office and drug trial company.  My sister works at the drug trial company so it's pretty nice to see her everyday.  Although I miss being with dogs all the time, I think this was the right change.  This is a 8-5 job.  Five o'clock comes around and I'm off, I'm out, I'm gone.  No one will call me needing me at all hours.  There aren't any stressful emergencies.  It's lovely.

Downside, I actually have to wear business casual.  *sigh*  No more jeans and comfy tshirts and such.  Oh well.  Guess that's a price I'm willing to pay.

Also, I am going to have to ask them for more to do.  I'm not used to being a glorified answering machine.  I do tend to get bored and then my brain starts dying slowly.  Right now that's kind of a welcome change but I know eventually I'm going to be banging my head on my desk.

Oh and in the spirit of this blog, there are FANCY COFFEE MACHINES HERE!  No more bad coffee.  It's a beautiful thing.


  1. We'll miss you at Lucky Dog, friend. Please come and visit Baloo any time you want.

    1. Oh you will see me around. I'm staying to train and do rescue. That's what I'm passionate about so that's what I am going to focus on. I just have a new day job that is less stress. Give Baloo a kiss for me.
