Best Friends.
For those of you who are thinking BFFs, no. Best Friends is
actually an animal sanctuary in southern Utah. It is the largest in
the country and is dedicated to rehabilitating and rehoming the lost
causes of the animal world. I first heard of it during an insomnia
attack during college. I was up at all hours of the night and flipping
channels until I found a show called Dogtown, filmed at Best Friends
following the dogs they rehabilitate. I thought, that is what I want to
do. I want to be a dog trainer and save the lives of dogs that have no
one else. And I want to do it there. I made myself that promise.
was one of the most important steps to getting to where I am today,
that silent moment where I made that promise to myself. I've tried to
take more and more steps to get to that goal and I've been keeping my
eyes on Best Friends. Every time I saw "Dog Trainer" listed I applied,
even when I knew there was no way I would get it. Suddenly I find
myself qualified and I saw that "Dog Trainer" job post again.
got a huge rush of adrenaline, that came with the squealing of
excitement and fear that I tried to keep quiet since I was at work. I
once again filled out that application (they must be tired of reading my
applications) and sent it in. The next day I got an email requesting a
phone interview. Again there was much squealing and bouncing with
excitement and fear. An interview... a phone interview.
Gah! Eek! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a phone interview with my DREAM JOB last Wednesday. Pretty hard to
tell if it went well or not. I think it did. I am exactly what they
are looking for and by God I am going to apply until they hire me. I can be a pretty stubborn person and I believe in doing whatever it takes to get where you want. You're going to get told no more than once but you only need one yes. And you just have to keep getting up until you get that yes. Also it's important to remember that there are many roads to that yes.
Alright enough of my go get 'em attitude. I hope I hear back soon about this job. She said it would take about a week for them to get through all their interviews and review things. I hate having to wait for things like that. Puts a lot of things in the air. Guess you just have to keep juggling until you know right?
I would pretty much freak out if I did get the job. Not that I'm not thinking positively but I don't think I will. There are probably a hundred more people out there that feel the same as me about this position and who knows, one might be better. Also, if on the off chance I did get it, it would be incredibly hard to leave here and go there. Yes I just got done talking about this dream job opportunity but I'd have to make a lot of changes to take it.
For one, I just bought a house. A house that I have YET to live in. So it would just really suck to move before I even get the chance to live there. I'd rent it out though so that when I do come back I'll have a place to live.
For two, I do have some wonderful people in my life here. Not only my family, I know they'll always be there for me, but some really great friends. As much as I was miserable at LD at the end there, I have met some really great people through the training program and I'm so glad I didn't let the miserable side take over and ruin everything.
Dog people really are wonderful. We may be strange to other normal people but we're awesome and other dog people understand.
Anywho. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I get a dream come true.

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