Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Let me begin by saying happy birthday to my dear sweet girl back home Gerani.  I love her so much and I can't believe she's been with me for 13 years.  Here's to another 13 baby girl!

I'm really more bummed that I'm not there to celebrate her birthday over my own.  I already miss my babies so much.  I'm sure they're having fun with Auntie Caitlin though.

Best Friends is amazing.  I was kind of surprised to see how big it is.  I mean I knew it was big being that it is the largest sanctuary in the US but still.  You don't really get what that means until you see the many different layers of it.  It's nestled right into the beautiful desert and so many special animals are here.  It's like heaven on earth.

I'm getting to shadow the trainers around and it's very different but comforting to see they do the same things I would do.  The best thing is working with the dogs.  It is going to be hard not to fall in love with all of them and come home with at least one.  I have to keep talking myself out of it.

As much as I love it and feel like I fit here with the people, it has been such a surreal experience in a way.  I feel very much like I got plucked out of my life and just plopped down.  Might be losing my head a little.  If you know me, you know I rarely lose things, most especially my phone.  But I lost it.  Put it down and lost track of it.  So I really hope I can find it tomorrow because it would so suck to have to worry about getting a new phone while I'm here.  So unlike me.  I guess I have too many other things in my mind and since I don't get service in the canyon anyway I wasn't paying attention.  Oh well.

Why keep track of your phone if you're having such a great time without it?

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