Thursday, July 17, 2014

Crazy Colorado

Okay I don't know about you guys but it seems as though Mother Nature is a bit miffed at us.  Used to be that Colorado was the place to live weather wise because we didn't get those dangerous extremes.  Then the drought happened.  Then fires.  Then floods.

This year the rain seems to have come back a little.  When I was a kid I remember thunder storms almost every evening.  That's somewhat coming back but some of these thunder storms are a bit crazy.

Facebook Video

That was at work the other day.  I felt like we were in the middle of a hurricane.  Hail, wind and cascading rain was something behold.  Our building has a huge skylight and it was so loud in there.  In the video, you hear me go "OW!" near the beginning when I'm standing at the open door.  I got hit with a piece of hail on my stomach and it bruised me!

Then after this crazy downpour we had blue skies and sunshine.  Colorado be crazy!  Or that's proof that there is bright skies after a storm if you just wait it out.

But if you're taking a life lesson from this weather then you're in for a bumpy ride because after the clear skies we had another huge storm.  By the end of the night I was exhausted because the wind was blowing the rain in the store and flooding everything while knocking things off the shelf.  I had to run back to Shay and call for more towels and spent much of the evening mopping all the water off.

Colorado, can't you just cool it and stop having these mood swings?  Have some chocolate or something...

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