Friday, October 24, 2014

Crafty and Spooky!

The winds of change are blowing, which is sad.  I am sad to see some things change and SO happy to see other things in my life change.  It is the changes that I didn't initiate that I am sad about.  I hate to see things that have brought me so much joy to my life end.  I can't tell you what it is until Monday but it has me kind of down.  I just have to remind myself that nothing can stay the same forever.  We wouldn't be happy if things were stagnant forever.  It is up to me to keep this in a positive light and look forward to the possibilities that it opens up for me.  Still kind of sucks though.

Anyway, other things.

Halloween is coming up and I've had some fun with it this year.  Every year, I say I am going to go all out decorating the house.  Someday I am going to have the best decorations and scare the pants off all the little trick or treaters.  I haven't quite made it there.  Something always seems to trip me up.  I have all these grand plans of making these things in my mind but in reality I'm a slow crafter so it takes me forever to do anything.  BUT... I did get around to making some great things.

First up Samuel and I were excited to make a bubbling witches' brew.  It really helps get into the holiday spirit when you have a kid that is just as excited as you are about it.  Having Samuel around is great because he gives me the excuse to do all the crazy things that I always want to do.  Anyway, I bought a cheap plastic cauldron and got two cans of the sealant foam that you put around windows and stuff.  We filled the cauldron with it, let it dry a bit, then stuck some creepy crawlies in it.  Tada!

Okay so I might have gone a little overboard and made it too bubbly but it was fun and considering I did it, I think it turned out alright!  Bubble bubble toil and trouble...

Next, these took me forever and probably annoyed the crap out of Jake because I had a mini explosion of supplies in my attempt to make them... but I love them.  Homemade gravestones!  Yeah right, I am not going to pay $40 for something I can make myself for a fraction of the price.  I had fun with these and next time I do it I'll be able to do it faster and better.  I admit I got sick of the painting so they are not as three demential and shaded as I would like but that will be for the next batch.  For now, I am tickled with how they turned out!

Next year, I'll add more on.  Pinterest is a goldmine of crafty things that may or may not go so well.  But the point is that I have fun with it and something halfway useable comes out.

Happy Soon to Be Halloween everyone!

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