It's no secret that I am not the best friend maker. I could never seem to find the people I wanted to hang out with in college. I had no idea where one would go to meet these strangers that would be come my trusted friends. Mostly I didn't bother with it. Since then I've taken the lessons from my younger days when you made friends at school because you were all trapped together and didn't have to go seeking social situations. Which mostly means I find friends at work or in activities that I am already involved in. In the past two to three years I've really met some wonderful people that I love having in my life. That was one of the biggest reasons that I put off leaving LD for so long because I loved a lot of the people that I met there and it was a huge social outlet for me. Now at the Wag I have met some wonderful people that I love and that I have really opened up to. It is hard to see some of them leave. One of my very good friends is being moved to another store and I am "accepting" it like an adult and having my screaming and kicking tantrum on the inside. It makes me sad though. A while back another good friend left the Wag for bigger and better things and I miss having him around.
Yes we make friends with the people around us. I am becoming better at opening myself up and making friends but I am not to the point where I can go up to a stranger or someone I barely know and attach my friendship to them. Although I'm finding that I am not an introvert when it comes to the people I trust and if I am in situations I trust, I am not outgoing to the general public. I still come down on the side of people generally suck. So that's one of my friend-making downfalls.
Another is that I am pretty sucky at staying in contact with people. I never seem to be able to make time for all the things I want to do and all the things I need to do. I generally get stuck in the limbo of nothing ever gets done and I'm slowly losing my mind. So, this friend moving has me really sad because I don't want to lose contact and lose this friendship. RYAN! Don't let me lose contact with you!
I have to try to be better about being open and really making time for the people that I want to have in my life. I am getting better at cutting the people out of my life that I don't want to be there but harder at really seriously hanging on to the people that have come to mean something to me. Character flaw.
Must. Do. Better. Promise to myself that I won't let this fade away like other's have. Pinky swear self!
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