Happy Thanksgiving!
Now I will admit it isn't my favorite holiday because I don't like to stuff myself, but it is good to remember what we are thankful for. Over the past month I have seen people posting what they are thankful for and I have my own things I'm thankful for.
I am thankful for:
- My mom. For all her hard work to help me in my life.
- My dad. For helping me remodel my house. I would never have been able to do that plumbing myself.
- My sister, Caitlin. For giving me the best advice and being someone I can always talk to.
- My brother-in-law, Jak. For being generous and always amusing.
- My older brother, Geoff. For giving me a place to live even though I cramp his style.
- My younger brother, Riley. For never ceasing to amaze me and making me proud I'm not the only English Literature major.
- My girl, Gerani. For wearing her heart on her sleeve and teaching me to slow down and love.
- My boy, Whitman. For always making me laugh and for all his darling personality.
- My kittenface, Theo. For being my snuggle muffin.
- My best friend, Kathleen. For being my second half and loving me just the same.
- My best friend, Caitlin. For being my oldest friend, best roommate and incredible travel buddy.
- My LD friends, you know who you are. For finally making me feel like I have a group to belong to and who I can be myself with.
- My LD partner, Astrid. For being someone I can geek out with.
- My mentor, Angie. For giving me something to inspire to and for helping me find the right path to get where I want to go.
- My extended family. For giving my family the greatest foundation.
- My personal strength. I am thankful for being who I am and having the strength to be okay with that.
- My day job. I am thankful to have one and that I can support myself.
- My training job. I am thankful to be realizing my dream a step at a time.
- My rescue work. For doing my part to change the lives of dogs in need.
- This great country. For being a citizen of one of the greatest countries in the world. I am also thankful for all the soldiers that fight for it.
- For all the small things that I can never remember but that I am thankful for everyday.
I hope you all have an incredible meal with the people you love. Take a minute to think of the things you are grateful for.
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