I've been fairly productive this morning. I gathered all my various accounts and passwords together and put them in one place. I have a lot of stuff going on in that department for training and I got sick of having to sort through all my emails to find usernames and passwords. So I organized everything so I can find the passwords and such.
I was inspired to do this because yesterday I was trying to pay my phone bill through Centurylink and it was definitely not a pleasant experience. I had to contact them because I didn't have my account # on me. Well that was just impossible for them to give me without a huge production and incredibly rude customer service. They are absolutely the worst customer service I have ever dealt with. So never again will I contact them for my account number. Yeesh it was a nightmare.
Anyway, I was very productive until I ran out of steam. I got to reading the news. And since I haven't posted in a while I'm going to post my thoughts on the news. Oh exciting haha.
Wrongful Death Lawsuit
A judge says the wrongful death lawsuits filed against the movie theater in the Aurora Batman shootings last year should be thrown out. I would agree. In no way could the theater have predicted that a mad gunman would come there and begin shooting people. No one expected that. There is no way they should be liable for the shooter's actions. Who is liable? The shooter himself. Other than that I think that the mental health professionals that were treating him might have done more to make sure he was not a danger to the community. However, hindsight is 20/20. We can look back now and say "oh you should have known", "oh he should have been locked up" but at the time it is hard to step back and see those things. Even if there was an inkling that he might be dangerous, it is incredibly hard to commit an adult against their will. It is also incredibly hard to identify psychopaths because they blend in with us so well. So yes, even though I feel for the families who lost loved ones in that shooting and I understand their anger and pain, a lawsuit against the theater is bogus. It should be thrown out.
Morocco's Rape Marriage Law
If I wasn't already grateful to live in a country that allowed me so many freedoms, this story would be enough for me to salute the American flag. The state of women's rights in other countries of this world is shocking. Women are still considered property in many places and are forced to live in a male dominated society. I get so angry when I read about those things. No human being should be treated that way. Sex, race, orientation or any other factor that makes us different from others should be a reason to be mistreated. I'm glad that most of the human race agrees but then you hear of things like this that just makes you question the balance of good and evil in the human spirit. We are capable of such great acts of love and devotion. We are also capable of great acts of evil and depravity. I just hope it is the first kind of people that continue to touch my life and the lives of the people I love. And Morocco should be ashamed that they've had a law like that in effect for so long.
Horror Film Inspired Murder
This catchy title is an example of media driven frenzy. Of course I can't really say it doesn't work because I read the article. But this is another example of society trying to figure out why senseless violence happens in our communities. It is hard to believe that sometimes there is just something wrong with someone to make them do the violent acts that they do. Not everyone out there is safe. Some people are capable of doing evil things without reasons that the rest of us can understand. In our struggle to understand we must blame something. I'm not saying that some of the arguments don't have good points but you can't blame a horror movie (Halloween (2007)) for this boy's murders. Sure he watched the movie but so have hundreds/thousands/millions of other people who do nothing violent. So you can't just blame a video game or a movie or... whatever for certain individuals acting out. These catchy little tags are created by the media to get these stories noticed. However it just gets people up in arms about the wrong things. Instead of mental illness and treatment, the focus becomes oh the violence in movies. Gah. It just drives me crazy. The media is all about stirring people up but not at all about solving problems.
High school teacher faces sex charge
This is shocking to me. I mean, you read about this all the time but it always happens somewhere else. Yet, here it is happening in our own backyard. In my high school! I didn't know this teacher personally but apparently he was teaching while I was in school. There are predators everywhere. I hope none of my fellow students were victimized. I'm just so surprised this has happened at Air Academy, a school that I would speak very highly of. I enjoyed my time in high school, looking back on it now. Course, looking back on it now, I was also pretty clueless to the world. Still... didn't think this was going on there.
Okay well I think I've done my fair share of complaining about the news. I should probably find something else to do with my time. Adios.
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