Thursday, January 31, 2013


Have you heard this nonsense that teachers using read pens to correct student's work is the equivalent of screaming?  Apparently The University of Colorado did a study on this and red ink is just way too negative.  (LINK)  Leave it to CU to want a more cuddly way of grading.  These poor students just can't handle the red ink.  Well you know what?  Don't make mistakes or learn from the mistake you made so you don't have to see that red ink anymore.  That's the whole idea.  Handing in homework means you learn from the mistake you made.  HEAVEN FORBID that mistake should me marked in red.  But you know, if it's marked in blue that makes it all better...

A mistake is still a mistake no matter what color it is.  A blue mistake isn't any more correct than a red mistake.

Lord have mercy.  This is the same mindset that is making our generation and the generations after us selfish and unable to handle the real world.  No one wins because we're all winners!  Everyone gets a trophy.  Well I'm sorry, not everyone can win.  Sometimes we lose.  And when we tell kids that it's just too mean to lose then they're not prepared for the real world where you really can lose.  In the real world you lose, you learn, you try again and do your best to win.  The whole thing irritates me.

It's probably a good thing I'm not a teacher because damnit I'd be using that red ink all over the place.  Come on people... quit coddling your kids.  I got red marked papers back all the time and I didn't have a mental breakdown.  I turned out alright.  Your kid will too.  Give your kid the chance to be a strong person who is capable of understanding and making their way in the world.

Thoughts from my teacher friends?

Oh and I am exceedingly sorry I've been shouting at you in red this whole time.  You poor dears must be in tears by now.

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