Sunday, May 17, 2015
I don't know if I ever posted but I recently changed jobs. Things kind of blue up at WNW but I am SO SO SO glad to be out of there. Blessings happen in all different kind of ways. I just don't do well when I feel people are taking advantage of me or treating me badly. Fault and a strength. I don't put up with it well so I am willing to sacrifice things to get away from it. But now I have a job that I really love. It makes such a difference to work with a different quality of people. Professional people handle themselves differently and that is such a load off. I hate petty, spineless people and I'm glad to be away from them. And more than anything I am SO THANKFUL to be away from retail. I don't like people enough to work in retail anymore. It sucks. It's a draining and horrible feeling when people walk all over you just because they can and you have to smile and be nice. Hopefully never again. I work at a vet's office now and I love it. I thought about doing vet tech but I am glad now that I didn't do that. I wouldn't want to spend all that money and time in school doing something it turns out I don't think I would like that much. I love dogs but bleh. I am happy to be up front doing more organizational stuff. I always wanted to be a veterinarian as a child but that so is no for me. Maybe with the move coming up in a year I will be able to focus on my loves, writing and animals.
I have a hard time sorting out my priorities. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a bit of a workaholic and in the past put everything I had in the world into it. It has been a difficult transition away from that and thinking more about my social side of life and doing things outside of a work environment. I struggle with feeling like I am letting people down and I still do. But I am starting to understand that it is okay for me to have my limitations and it is not my responsibility to try to keep up with people who don't enforce the same limitations. It does not mean that I am lazy or letting people down. It simply means that I have to live my life in a way that I can maintain long term. That is a hard learning curve for me. I feel like I have been making so many changes in the last couple of years that not everyone understands. I am just trying to find my way through life just like everyone else. Maybe when Jake and I are facing the future together, the stress will ease on me.
Move forward in life. That's all you can do. If you're not happy, move forward and change it. That's what I've been striving to do and that's what I will continue to do. I don't understand how else to do it and I don't understand people who don't do it.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
New Orleans and Cruise!
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Bourbon Street! |
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We were standing at the top front of the ship when it departed down the Mississippi River. |
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Our ship- Carnival Elation |
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Feeding the fishies! |
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Ready to not drown! |
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International love! |
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Adventure seekers! |
Happy Birthday to ME!
Birthdays get me thinking about the years of my life. It is funny how many occasions are used to look back on the past. I have to admit 28 was so good to me. I continued to build a relationship with a wonderful man and we became engaged. I also left two bad jobs and starting building a future in two positive ones.
I am going to share a secret. Every birthday I blew out my candles and made a wish. I wished that someone would love me and I would never be lonely again. I got that. So this year I had no idea what to wish for. I did make a wish but I won't tell you that. I just hope it comes true too.
Happy Birthday to me! Here's to 29 being a wonderful year!
Catch Up Wedding stuff
So wedding planning is coming along. I never thought that it was so much work to plan a wedding. I mean, I knew it was in the abstract but actually doing it is a little harder. Especially when you're not overly invested. I want a nice wedding but I'm not high matenance enough to be that overly worked up about it. We have most everything that we need like the photographer and catering.
Now that those are out of the way I am looking forward to doing the little things like figuring out my center pieces, music, gifts, and my Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue. Those are the things about the wedding that I am looking forward to, the little details. For example, I want to do a guestbook that is a little different. Here are some ideas:
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A type writer where guests can write a little note. |
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A Poleriod camera so they can accompany their well wishes with a picture. |
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Wooden hearts that I can put together into a collage later. |
Those would be so much cooler than a boring over traditional book. I don't want the boring old traditional wedding so I love planning the little things that are different.
For my Something Old I think I am going to carry my great grandmother's handkerchief with my bouquet just like my sister did. For Something New, I have no idea. Maybe I'll just use my dress as my something new. Something Borrowed will probably be earrings from either my mother or my sister. Something blue I think would be nice to do a safety pin with something blue from each of my bridesmaids included on it. I am not sure that any of them will do that but I think it would be cool. Either that or a blue heart sewed into my dress.
I picked my color scheme.
I am going to use the teal color, the light green color, and the lavender color to match the flowers. I also think that I am going to add in a charcoal color. Either that or the cream.
I need to find a DJ still though. I hope people at my wedding do get up and dance and have a good time so that is important to me. The most important thing is the pictures for me. I got a photographer that is good at the captured moments. I think those little captured moments are cuter and more beautiful than the planned shots. I'll do those because those are important to my mom but other than that I want more of the moments that are small and real captured.
Anyway, I have other things I need to update about so I'll end this one.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Going to the Chapel and I'm... gonna get MARRIED!
Shocked are we? If you had asked me three years ago if I would be engaged to the man of my dreams I wouldn't have believed it. I just never factored it in for me. What they say is true, when you stop looking for love it will find you. I'm so lucky to have found happiness and someone to share it with.
I knew he was going to ask me eventually but I didn't know when. I figured it would be on our upcoming cruise or for my birthday. If my birthday next month passed without him asking I would have asked him, and told him so. So I knew that it was going to happen but I pretty much thought it would happen in April. That's why I was so surprised when he asked me to marry him on Sunday, right in our kitchen.
Sunday he went to the track to ride his motorcycle. I decided that I was going to make clam chowder from scratch that night. It turned out amazing by the way. Very yummy. Anyway, he got home while I was cooking and we had a nice meal and then we cleaned up. It was a nice normal night, one of my favorite kinds where we just hang out together at home quietly enjoying each other's company. I am so in love with this man that just being with him makes me happy.
So after cleaning the kitchen I was standing at the table with my hot chocolate. My mind was already into the next day thinking about what I had going on. When Jake came up and hugged me from behind, it was very nice but I wasn't expecting what happened next. He kissed me and asked me how much I loved him. I held my hands out to show him how much I love him. He took my hand, twirled me around and went down on one knee asking "Do you love me enough to be my wife?"
I was so surprised that I was a little behind. I saw him down on one knee and I heard him but I wasn't quite sure what was happening. I said "Are you serious?" Then I saw he was holding a little box and I knew what was happening. He told me I couldn't see the box until I gave him an answer and, of course, my answer was yes and I kissed and hugged him. That was the happiest moment of my life. I just couldn't believe that it was happening right then. I kept asking him if he was serious. I'm pretty sure he's serious now.
He stood up and put a GORGEOUS ring on my finger. I was worried for him because when I got my ring finger sized I looked around at the rings they had and I didn't like very many of them. Some of the engagement rings out there are so ugly. So, although I knew he was looking at my Pinterest account, I was a little worried my tastes were too picky. But nope. He got me the most beautiful ring that I could have imagined. I would have said yes if he'd put a cheesy plastic ring on my finger but he did very good and it makes me feel very special.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy Valentine's Day!
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Warning! Up on my soapbox!
It probably isn't a surprise to any of you that know me well or read my blog that I have tattoos. All small, all easily hidden, and all very meaningful to me. Now, it probably isn't a shock to many of you that not everyone supports tattoos, which is fine for them. What bugs the mother living crap out of me is when you dictate that your believes are correct for me and my life as well. Bullshit. Let me tell you a few things about tattoos.
First of all, times are a changing. I have most of my friends or acquaintances have tattoos. It isn't something that only skinheads do anymore. It is becoming mainstream and those of you who hate that just have to get over it. No one is asking you to tattoo yourself so stop freaking out. That's a personal choice for everyone but just know that many more people than you think have tattoos.
So here's a little about me:
- I did reasonably well in school. I didn't party excessively or get into trouble.
- I have a college degree. I have also paid off all of my student loans in five years.
- I have courage and integrity as a person.
- I contribute positively to society and follow the law.
- I responsibly pay my bills and my taxes on time.
- I am an educated voter.
- I work two jobs tirelessly.
- I own my own business.
- I volunteer in my community.
- I am a kind decent person that helps my fellow man.
I also have five tattoos. Does that fact change my worth? Does it make any of the above statements less true or less valuable? No. I am the same person whether or not I have ink on my skin.
Whose business is it anyway what my body looks like? Does anyone get to tell me what my body should or should not be used for it does not impact their life directly? Why is okay to come to a snap judgement about me because of my ink but we would all reasonably deny that this is acceptable when taking someone's skin tone into consideration. Someone else's skin color does not matter and has no impact on me. Therefore, my tattoos should not matter or impact others. Snap judgements made on superficial aspects of another person are the responsibility of the judger, not the judged. They also have power over the judger, not the judged.
You may say that people with different skin tones do not get to choose that where I chose my tattoos. Really, that shouldn't matter very much. I will concede that perhaps my arguments are not valid for someone who chooses to tattoo something overly offensive in an open area of their body purely for shock value. However, does the fact that I have small, meaningful tattoos change who I am? If I am in a job interview and am covering my tattoos or if the interviewer can not see me and I am well qualified for the job, would my covered tattoos change that? No. Who I am at my core, my values, my knowledge and my abilities do not change with or without tattoos.
Many professionals choose to have tattoos. Does that change what they are capable of? No. And it isn't really your business anyway. It is more your problem than theirs.
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Same person. Same abilities. |
Tattoo shaming comes from a place of judgement, closed mindedness and insecurity. It comes from the same older generation that defended a man's right to be superior to women or one race's superiority over another. It is ignorant. If my expression of myself offends you so much that you can't see past it then remove yourself from me. It isn't that great of a loss for me to remove ignorance from my life. The loss is yours. If they make you uncomfortable and you would like to confront me about them, do so from a defensible stance, not one of "shaming what is different" or from fear of things different from yourself. I am more than happy to explain the importance of each tattoo to me and why I chose to get it. If I still offend you, then there is a better place for you to be. Away from me. However, I believe that if someone was to learn a little about me before judging me we will come to some kind of understanding.
So really, the choice is yours. If you want to express an opinion, I will defend your right to express it in a respectful manner. That doesn't mean I will agree with you or that we will reach any type of agreement. We may decide to agree to disagree. If that is going to get in the way of a meaningful relationship then that's your problem. I am who I am. I think, overall, I am a good person whether or not you like the fact that I have tattoos. Your opinion about my life doesn't make a huge impact on me. Let's keep in mind that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. You take your path and I'll take mine. If our paths cross just know I will not be so disrespectful as to ignorantly judge you on something superficial.
So why the rant? Why am I up on my soapbox chanting away at you?
Well, I have tattoos and recently got more. I have members of my family and people that are close to me that will not be happy with this decision. Recently, someone I love very much, respect fully and am grateful to for doing something incredibly generous for me called me. That act of generosity was held over my head as a reason that she could pass unfair judgement on me. This person is not involved in day to day life and I am left to believe that she thinks very little of me. Perhaps if she got to know me better she would know that lording over me will do no good. Perhaps she would also see that I am a good wholesome person and the fact that I have tattoos does not change that. Perhaps not. She may be too stuck in her own ways. That's fine. Just keep that kind of judgmental attitude away from me. I can only take the high road for so long.
So feel free to ask about my tattoos. Feel free to tell me you disagree and wish I hadn't gotten them. Then feel free to leave it at that because I didn't get them for you; I got them for me.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Winter Happiness
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
It shouldn't happen to anyone
You know Kathleen. Kathleen and I have been friends for over a decade. I knew her before high school, though I can't remember exactly when. We met through a mutual friend, my neighbor Kaylee. Kathleen was a military brat though and moved away before high school. Still, somehow we kept in touch with a mutual love of reading, writing, fantasy and geekery. We really bonded over a Harry Potter fandom and then took off writing our own Harry Potter spin off with characters that are as real to me as people I know and are still very near and dear to my heart.
About two years ago, Kathleen moved here from Ohio. I am glad that she got to come to Colorado but it happened in a very weird time of my life. I was finally admitting to myself that, although I had come so far in my mental health, I still was far from happy. The hermit and cut off lifestyle I had been living was wearing on me and I was yearning for a change. I flirted with leaving Colorado and moving somewhere but finally settled on the fact that I didn't have to leave to be happy; I just had to do some personal work and change my lifestyle. With my lifestyle change, living with Kathleen was not what either of us thought it would be. Suddenly, our lifestyles were so different. I didn't want to be shut at home anymore and I was trying to be more social and build relationships. I was also dabbling with dating.
As they say, sometimes living with your friends doesn't work out. I wasn't able to be the support system that I think she needed and she wasn't in the place in her life to fit in with the changes I was making to my life. Too many changes too fast and we struggled to keep our friendship together. It was hard and eventually she moved out, which I think was the best thing to do. I was spending more and more time at Jake's and was very rarely at home. As time went on, we just grew distant. Neither of us are wonderful at staying in touch with people that we don't see daily. I was off the computer and trying to interact with the world more and before our number one communication had been online. It was just all hard and we let our friendship slide a bit.
We were both changing and exploring new things in our lives. Suddenly we were both in serious relationships. I had Jake and she had Brandon. Different relationships but suddenly, I think for both of us, that we understood what "relationship" and "love" meant. Although we didn't see each other all the time and we were both busy, I feel that Kathleen will always be that friend that was with me through my hard times and knew me better than 90% of the world. Kathleen will always mean the world to me no matter what.
That is why it pained me to see her struggle. I think we all will have dark times in life which is different for everyone. Kathleen is going through that now. She had some struggles but she was seeing them clearly and starting to work on them. She was happier than I'd seen her in a long time and if anyone knows how hard it is to admit you need help and need to work on yourself it is me so I really admired her for that.
Now to the part that is hard to talk about. Her boyfriend, Brandon, was also struggling and had suffered for a long time. Just after Christmas, he took his own life. I can not imagine the pain that Kathleen felt losing someone she was so in love with and meant so much to her. There are very few things that are worse in this world and it was so painful for me to watch her go through that and know there was nothing I could do to solve it or take the pain away. I've always been a bit of a protective person and once you're in my inner circle there are very few things that I won't do for you. I don't like to see my people suffer and hurt and feel so helpless to do anything. I felt guilty that I couldn't get to her right away after she called me. I felt guilty that there was nothing I could do but hug her and let her cry. I hope, somehow, I managed to help her through those really horrible days. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
With the deaths of Robin Williams and Dr. Sophia Yin, suicide has been on my mind and on my blog more this year than ever. I never imagined it would personally effect someone so close to me though. I can't imagine how the loved ones of people who take their own lives, understand it. I hope that Kathleen can find healing and closure to her relationship with Brandon. I hope that his other loved ones are able to heal and make peace. I hope that he is at peace and no longer in pain.
Suicide is horrible. It is horrible for the ones left behind and it is horrible that someone is hurting so much that it is the only out they see. It is something that people are unsure of how to handle or address but it is a problem in our society that needs to be addressed. No one should feel so alone that they feel they have to take their own lives. Mental illness and victimization by others should not be something that we as a community don't want to talk about and deal with. Out of sight, out of mind doesn't work because for some people they can't get away from their demons. We have to be a community of support for those who are suffering and the people in their lives who don't know how to help.
Kathleen went back to Ohio to be with her family and to heal. I will miss her and we will have to make the effort to keep our friendship going. However, I will always be here for her and I hope she uses that strength that I know she has to find closure, make peace and continue her own healing. Most of all, I hope she remembers how loved and cherished she is by more people than she knows. I would do anything to change what happened for her because she has always deserved so much better. She deserves happiness and I know it will find her.
I hope she isn't mad at me for this either but I had to sit down and get some of this out.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Welcome to 2015!
Goodbye 2014 and welcome to 2015! I can't believe that the year has come and gone already. It really snuck up on me. This was the first time in a while that I didn't really do anything for New Years Eve. Work was terrible that day so I admit I wasn't in the mood to party. We did end up meeting some friends at Noodles for a low key, off the beaten path dinner. Then we went to the Broadmoor to walk around and see the Christmas lights, since that is something that I do every year and had yet to see this season. I have to admit though, as beautiful as they were, I was so cold that we were only there for maybe a half an hour. Then home we went and, since Jake has made me an old person, we went to bed. At midnight, we were asleep. We woke up, gave each other a New Years' kiss and went back to sleep. That's how you ring in the new year man!
I do have to say, 2014 was such a wonderful year for me. My relationship with Jake has grown and become something that I never thought to ask for. I got to meet his family and he met mine. We moved in together which has been amazing. I never knew living with someone would be so natural and so wonderful. I am so excited for 2015 with the love of my life.
I got to scratch some things off of my bucket list, most notably the hot air balloon ride which was amazing. I've decided that I want to live my life with adventure. Maybe I can't have grand adventures everyday but I want to do something adventurous every month. Life shouldn't be a rat race all the time. We need moments to look forward to.
I quit a job I had grown to hate. It was souring my dream and I finally got the courage up to quit and get rid of that negativity in my life. I want to continue that forward into the new year, no more negativity. Life is too short for me to deal with people or things that make me miserable. I don't want to be miserable anymore. Although LD started out as such a positive influence in my life, it certainly flipped near the end there where I hated it. It is weird to think that things can change so drastically but I think being honest about your happiness and not making excuses is very healthy.
I'm also heading into a new adventure with my own business which is terrifying but exciting at the same time. I can't wait to do things my way and answer to myself and not have to worry about the crazy negativity of others. I'm still pretty terrified of it though.
I got a pretty big promotion at WNW. It isn't a job I want to stay with forever but I take pride in improving my situation. I think I am outgrowing it rapidly but it is something that I very much enjoy right now.
Jeanine came into our lives. I secretly hope she stays in our lives...
Going into the new year, I have dedicated the word "health" to the year. I want to become healthy physically which has been something I need to dedicate more energy to for a long time. Since I have a cruise hanging over my head in a couple of months I need to get serious about it. Health also means mental and emotional. I've been taking that seriously for over a year now and it brought Jake into my life. There are still things that I need to work on and improve but that's life. Life is a work in progress where we learn lessons and make changes.
I hope 2015 brings health, positive changes and happiness. I want so many things but there are two things that I want more than anything. What do you think that is?