Even though it is only 9:25, I'm going to go ahead and label today a bad day.
I haven't been able to wake up yet. I'm so exhausted I feel like I could fall asleep in my very uncomfortable office chair.
My back started hurting again yesterday so today I'm wearing my back brace which isn't relaxing or comfortable.
I have not had nearly enough coffee. I think today is about a 5 cup day.
I'm PMSing so I am wavering between being pissed off about everything and wanting to put my head down on my desk and cry.
I was too busy last night to get my new dog blog rolling. I was attempting to make my sister a cake for her birthday and kept running out of ingredients.
This is the third day in a row that I've been up before 6 and hating it.
I have cramps.
There are stacks of papers on my desk for me to get through and I can barely even look at them without going brain dead.
I want to go home. I want to go home and snuggle up in bed and sleep off the bad day. The fact that I can't is just making me bitter toward everything else today.
F*** you Thursday. F*** you.
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