You know, I used to think I was pretty web savvy. I'm fairly on top of things and when I'm not I can figure them out by messing around with them. Lately though it has been revealed to me that the world wide web can clean my clock. There is so much out there that I have a big question mark over my head about.
As you know I have decided to create another blog devoted to dog training. This is a personal blog but I want my other blog to be professional and, hopefully, wide reaching. So whenever I have a few minutes here and there I've been setting up various things for this blog. During this process I have been rudely reminded that I'm a small fish in a very big pond. I'm just kind of floundering about like the kid with a bucket on her head running into things everywhere and generally creating mass chaos in my wake. That is indeed how I feel.
My blog savvy friend has promised to help me but we've both been so busy with various projects that we haven't really connected yet. That has led me to kind of dive in on my own with very little direction. I do have my blog set up though it is not beautifuied at all and I refuse to share it or write on it until it is. I have also spent the morning setting up various other accounts to go with this blog. So now I have a new email address that has been set up to forward to my main email address. Check. I also dove into Twitter and created a Twitter account for the blog because why not do it all right? It did take me a good half an hour to somewhat customize that Twitter account to a somewhat likeable theme. I'm sure I went about it the hard and long way but such is the way of a kid with a bucket on her head. My friend tells me that I should also create a Facebook account but that's where I've run out of steam. I already have two Facebook accounts, one public and one private. I shutter to think of being that person with three Facebook accounts, two blogs, Twitter, three active email addresses and a partridge in a pair tree. That is a lot of digital balls in the digital juggling universe.
I have so wanted to give myself a forum to be a little more involved in dog training. I need more directions for that career to go in. Since I have the degree, why not use it to write articles about the subject. I'm going to be serious about it too. Some will be opinion articles but some will be researched and cited. I have about a million topics in mind so that should keep me busy for a while. I am not going to be posting willy nilly though. I'll choose a day and post on that day. Either Monday or Friday maybe. That way my article is anticipated and I have a week to write them. I will steer clear of the "oh my dog is so cute!" posts. Yes my dogs are very cute and I generally obsess about them but I have other forums for that, as you can see above. The only time I will use more personal stuff is when my personal experience on a topic is the idea. One such idea I have is about my extremely unmotivated dog and how to deal with that. Or the health of an aging dog. Or dog and cat interactions. Other personal things I'll probably use is my personal journey becoming a dog trainer. There are a lot of personal aspects I will be using but the idea is that it is a more professional blog. So I will not be linking these two blogs at all. People hopefully reading my articles about dog training do not need to read about my pet peeves.
Anyway, I will tell you the name of this blog. The Midnight Barker. Get it? From 101 Dalmatians and the midnight bark. If you have no idea what I'm talking about you should be ashamed of your Disney knowledge and go watch 101 Dalmatians immediately. For those of you who are comfortable with your Disney knowledge but still need a little help, the midnight bark is how the dogs share information in the movie. So there you go, The Midnight Barker. I think it's pretty clever and totally riding the wave of Disney cool!
BUT... do not go looking for it yet because it isn't ready! NO CHEATING!
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